Christine Kelly: an investigation opened by the justice after the death threats received by the journalist of CNews

After filing a complaint against an anonymous who threatened her with beheading, Christine Kelly learned that an investigation has been opened for death threats.

A radical approach. According to daily information The Parisian, a preliminary investigation for “death threats“was opened on December 20 following a complaint from Christine kelly, filed against X in November 2021. Remember, in a shocking publication shared with its Twitter community, the one who is in charge of Facing the info on CNews revealed the threats it has been the target of which are only growing due to the presence of Eric Zemmour on his tray. However, it was removed from the air in September 2021.

With the authorities, Christine kelly said he was a victim of “telephone harassment“because of several disturbing SMS. The main concerned also requested a Parisian general practitioner who prescribed her ten days of total incapacity for work (ITT), saying to himself psychologically affected. The Parisian judicial police’s police force for the repression of delinquency against the person (BRDP) was in charge of the case while the complaint is targeted a certain Patrick K.

Christine Kelly placed under protection

Frequently targeted since taking control of Facing the info, the threats turned out to be too hard to bear to Christine kelly. Result, and as she confided on the set of Do not touch My TV, she was placed under protection. “I have two babysitters permanently”, told the one who was part of the CSA. “What is abnormal is that in the name of what, as a journalist, we must receive death threats? As if not taking a position on the sets were a mistake.”

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2/12 –

Christine kelly
According to information from the daily Le Parisien, a preliminary investigation for “death threats” was opened on December 20 following a complaint by Christine Kelly, filed against X in November 2021.


3/12 –

Christine kelly
Remember, in a shocking publication shared with her Twitter community, the one at the helm of Face à l’Info on CNews revealed the threats she has been the target of and which have only increased due to of the presence of Eric Zemmour on his set.


4/12 –

Christine kelly
However, it was removed from the air in September 2021.


5/12 –

Christine kelly
With the authorities, Christine Kelly declared to have been the victim of “telephone harassment” because of several disturbing SMS.

© Denis Guignebourg

6/12 –

Christine kelly
The main concerned also requested a Parisian general practitioner who prescribed ten days of total incapacity for work (ITT), saying that she was psychologically affected.


7/12 –

Christine kelly
The criminal offense against the person (BRDP) of the Paris judicial police was in charge of the case while the complaint targets a certain Patrick K.


8/12 –

Christine kelly
Frequently targeted since taking charge of Face à l’Info, the threats have proven to be too hard for Christine Kelly to bear.

© Giancarlo Gorassini

9/12 –

Christine kelly
Result, and as she confided on the board of Touche Pas à Mon Poste, she was placed under protection.


10/12 –

Christine kelly
“I have two babysitters permanently,” said the one who was part of the CSA.

© Jack Tribeca

11/12 –

Christine kelly
“What is abnormal is that in the name of what, as a journalist, one should receive death threats?”


12/12 –

Christine kelly
“As if not taking a position on the boards was a mistake.”

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