Christmas: hundreds of thousands of gift resale announcements already filed

At 3 p.m., some 600,000 ads were already blooming on the specialized site Rakuten. Not to mention the thousands of others on eBay and Leboncoin.

The French did not hang around. Just minutes after Christmas lunch, resale site Rakuten had nearly 600,000 gifts for resale on its platform, 15% more than in 2020, reports LCI . At 3 p.m., many French people had already chosen to get rid of presents that did not suit them. Not to mention the thousands of others who have popped up throughout the afternoon on the Leboncoin or eBay sites.

A glance at the Rakuten homepage is enough to identify the gifts that have disappointed the most this year: the Sony PlayStation 4, the famous Fifa 22 football game, Amélie Nothomb’s latest novel, First Blood , Renaudot prize 2021, iPhones and various kitchen machines.

41% of French people resold a gift in 2021

Rakuten’s latest barometer, published in November, hinted at this phenomenon which, if not new, has taken on another dimension this year. Over the past year, more than one in two French people admitted to having resold a gift or having considered doing so. No less than 41% have taken the plunge. The motivations are clear: 32% of French people indicated that they were reselling the present because they did not need it, 23% because they already owned the object and 16% because it was not for their size.

Some, on the other hand, did not finally take action, mainly because of scruples, but also because they preferred to donate or quite simply because they forgot to take care of it.

SEE ALSO – In Paris, it’s the rush to buy the last Christmas gifts

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