Chrome users should update quickly: The latest version fixes serious security holes

Important information for Chrome users: Google recently released version 97 for the browser. This closes a number of security loopholes. Users should therefore update quickly if possible.

With regard to Internet browser security, the year 2022 begins as 2021 ended: with gaps. Because Google has now released a new, extremely extensive update for its Chrome Internet browser. It is the first version of Google Chrome 97 – specifically version 97.0.4692.71. In addition to minor improvements under the hood, a lot is happening, mainly with regard to safety.

Because Google closes no fewer than 37 security holes in the new Chrome version. According to reports, ten of the vulnerabilities pose a high risk. And what’s more: Google even classifies a leak as critical. The risk of being exploited by hacker attacks posed by the security gap is therefore particularly high. For this reason alone, all Chrome users should update to Chrome 97.0.4692.71 as soon as possible.

Update for Chrome: New version available for all operating systems

Google has released a new version of its Chrome browser.
Google has released a new version of its Chrome browser.


Further innovations: In the browser settings, from version 97 in the data protection and security area (chrome: // settings / content / all), it is possible to delete all data stored on a website. So far, only the deletion of individual cookies was allowed. Another new feature is that Chrome can now automatically display HDR content on websites, provided the monitor used has the corresponding HDR compatibility. The usual display without HDR is retained for all other users. This gives website operators the opportunity to rely more on HDR content from now on.

Google Chrome 97 is now available for Windows, Mac and Linux. But Google has also updated its mobile browser to version 97. From the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store, you can download the latest generation of browsers immediately or shortly and install it on your mobile devices. In future, the mobile versions of the browser should be able to remember any zoom settings that may have changed on each page.

By the way, there will be no new releases of Firefox and Microsoft’s Edge browser in 2022. Firefox has been based on version 95.0.2 and Edge on version 96.0.1054.62 since December 2021. Because Edge, like Opera and Vivaldi, is based on the architecture of Google’s Chrome browser, an update to the newly introduced 97 generation of the software for Internet access can be expected relatively quickly.

How to install the Chrome update

Updating Chrome, Firefox and Edge works very similarly on your PC or notebook. All you have to do is go to the main menu of the browser. This is possible by clicking on the three vertically (Chrome) or horizontally (Firefox, Edge) dots (Chrome, Edge) or lines (Firefox) on the top right of the screen.

You can then use the “Help” menu item to call up the browser information (“About Google Chrome”, “About Firefox”, “About Microsoft Edge”) and wait for the automatic update process to start. Important: The downloaded updates will not be effectively installed on your computer until you restart your browser.

This content first appeared on inside digital.

Download: Chrome for Windows, Linux and OS X

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