City rows back – command back: Kloepfer books back on the shelf

There was a huge fuss after the “Krone” unveiling in the state capital: the Graz City Library had taken a drastic step – and sorted out the books by the controversial poet Hans Kloepfer. There was strong criticism from the FPÖ. Now it’s time: “Command back”: ÖVP City Councilor for Culture Günter Riegler commissioned the city library to put the works of the Nazi writer back on the shelves!

There was a lot of excitement in the Mur metropolis about the controversial writer Hans Klopefer. In the city library, which offers 300,000 books in seven branches, a “spring tidy” was carried out, as the “Krone” revealed – the focus was on the West Styrian poet doctor. There were internal instructions that the works of Hans Kloepfer may no longer be borrowed! There was even talk of “disposal”.Restitution orderThe Freedom Party saw the “disposal of books as an alarming signal” – corresponding initiatives were announced in the state parliament and in the municipal council. Now City Councilor for Culture Günter Riegler speaks a word of power: The books must be borrowable again – an order to return has been issued, says the ÖVP politician to the “Krone”. A contextualization will now take place – of course with scientific support.
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