clashes between demonstrators and police leave 12 dead

Clashes in Peru between security forces and demonstrators demanding the departure of President Dina Boluarte left at least 12 dead on Monday in Juliaca, during an attempt to invade the airport of the city, in the south-east of the country, announced the Defender of the people (local mediator).

“We confirmed 12 deaths today in Puno during clashes with law enforcement in the vicinity of Juliaca airport”in the Aymara (Amerindian people) region of Puno, a source from the Ombudsman’s office told Agence France-Presse on condition of anonymity.

Shortly before, the coordinator of the office of the city ombudsman, Nivardo Enriquez Barriales, had reported “nine dead in the morgue following the clashes in Juliaca”.

Violent clashes took place between protesters and law enforcement in southern Peru on January 9, 2023.

The protesters demand the resignation of Dina Boluarte, who arrived at the head of the country after the dismissal, at the beginning of December 2022, of the socialist Pedro Castillo, a new Parliament and the immediate holding of elections, already advanced from 2026 to April 2024.

The Puno region, which borders Bolivia, is the epicenter of protests in the country, with an indefinite strike since January 4. The protests began after the impeachment by Parliament, then the arrest, on December 7, 2022, of Mr. Castillo, following his attempt to dissolve Parliament, described as ” Rebellion “.

The World with AFP

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