Cleaning stainless steel: 4 effective home remedies to make your sink and co. really shine

Clean stainless steel
With these home remedies, your sink and co. will get really clean

© Andrey_Popov / Shutterstock

Stainless steel no longer looks so elegant when it is covered with grease splashes, fingerprints and the like! Here we show you how to clean stainless steel with simple household remedies.

Stainless steel is particularly common in our kitchens: sinks, stoves and extractor hoods shine at their best. Not? Then these tips and home remedies will help you!

Home remedies for cleaning stainless steel

1. Soda

You can get rid of streaks on stainless steel with baking soda! Mix three tablespoons of baking soda with one tablespoon of water and use a sponge to apply the paste directly to the dirt. Pay attention to the structure when applying and do not rub in the opposite direction! Let it take effect for a short time and then wipe everything clean with a cloth and clear water.

2. Baking soda

Greasy stains you can also remove it with baking soda. Put the baking soda directly on a damp sponge and apply it to the affected areas. Wipe everything clean again with water and a cloth!

3. Vinegar

Vinegar is particularly useful for the Removal of lime stains. To do this, mix a vinegar solution of three parts water and one part vinegar essence. Put the solution on a cloth and then leave it on the limescale stains for about 30 minutes to take effect. Finally wipe off with a cloth and water.

4. Citric Acid

Citric acid helps with limescale, but dirt can also be removed with it. If you are working with a mixture of citric acid and water, you should use gloves. Citric acid can quickly attack the skin. To clean stainless steel, all you have to do is wipe the surfaces with a rag and the mixture. For stubborn stains, leave on for about ten minutes and then wipe off with a cloth and water.

polishing stainless steel

When the stainless steel is nice and handsome again, a good polish does the rest! All you need after cleaning is some baby or olive oil. Spread the oil on the surface with a cloth and leave it on for a few minutes. Then gently rub the oil in again.

Cleaning stainless steel in the extractor hood

The extractor hood should not be neglected when cleaning. Normally, cleaning with a damp microfiber cloth should be sufficient. Then wash the cloth thoroughly so as not to spread the absorbed fat. You can find out how often you clean it and what else you should pay attention to here: Cleaning the extractor hood.

What to do with rust film?

These unsightly stains often appear on stainless steel cutlery. But it’s usually not the cutlery itself that rusts. Instead, the rust often detaches itself from other objects in the dishwasher water and settles on the cutlery. These three home remedies are suitable for removing the red-brown spots:

  1. cola: Bathe the cutlery in it and then rinse it with water.
  2. vinegar and oil: Mix the two agents 1:1, soak a cloth in it and rub the cutlery with it. Then wipe again with a damp cloth.
  3. lemon juice: Moisten cutlery, put lemon juice on a cloth and rub knives, forks & Co. with it until the stains have disappeared. Wipe with a damp cloth.

You should avoid this when cleaning stainless steel

For stainless steel, you should Avoid steel wool. The dirt may go away, but you’ll ruin your surfaces with it! So are Scouring milk, disinfectant and bleach bad for stainless steel and can attack the material.

How to properly clean stainless steel cookware

Even with pots and pans made of stainless steel, you should avoid such agents and, above all, steel wool, so as not to damage the alloy. Instead, soak them in soapy water for about 15 minutes, then clean them off with a rag.

Cleaning the oven, polishing cutlery and cleaning brass: You can find out what else baking soda, vinegar and co. can do in our household tips (and much more!).

Also in the Brigitte community you get tips and tricks around the household.


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