CNN president resigns over hidden affair

Héloïse Goy with Gauthier Delomez and AFP

CNN President Jeff Zucker announced his resignation on Wednesday after he had been in office since 2013. His departure comes after the revelation of a hidden affair with one of his longtime colleagues. The American news channel is also entangled in another case, which occurred last November.

Change at the head of the CNN news channel. The president of the American media, Jeff Zucker, announced his resignation on Wednesday after the revelation of a hidden affair with a colleague, the marketing director of the chain with whom he had worked for more than 20 years. Jeff Zucker has been at the helm of CNN since 2013, and he’s known for repositioning his channel against former US President Donald Trump in recent years.

A resignation a few months after another case

The president’s resignation comes as the 24-hour news channel has already been embroiled in a case for several months. Indeed, last November, Chris Cuomo, the star presenter of the chain, had been removed from the antenna for having advised his brother, the former governor of the State of New York, in the face of accusations of sexual assault. . The name of Jeff Zucker’s successor should be known quickly. This is what the CEO of Warner Media, the parent company of CNN, explained to employees of the chain.

The departure of the leader is a blow for Warner Media, which is preparing the launch, in the spring, of a subscription video service around information, called CNN +, as well as the absorption of the group by the television giant Discovery, scheduled for next June. After acquiring the Time Warner group (now Warner Media) in 2019 for 85 billion dollars, the telephone operator AT&T decided last year to get rid of it, preferring to bet on mobile phones and 5G rather than on the contents.

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