Cockfights: two gallodromes closed in the Gard

Patrimony for some, barbaric tradition for others, cockfighting survives in France. Latest episode, the discovery of two gallodromes, the enclosures where the roosters clash, in the town of Meynes, near Nîmes, in the Gard. Dozens of fighting cocks were seized and two gallodromes were discovered on a farm, details Midi libre.

At the origin of this dragnet, the action of several volunteers from an association for the protection of animals who intervened for cases of mistreatment of dogs in the area. Accompanied by gendarmes, the members of the association discovered, to their amazement, a real complex dedicated to fighting between gallinaceans. Several dozen cages where the animals are locked up and, therefore, two tracks where the roosters clashed.

Cockfighting prohibited

The prosecutor of Nîmes, Éric Maurel, announced that the roosters had been seized and entrusted to associations specializing in the reception of animals. Two abused dogs were also taken from their owners and placed in shelters. The two gallodromes were destroyed and a couple was interviewed by the police after this search.

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In France, cockfights that are the subject of bets are prohibited, except in certain regions which can claim a certain tradition. Especially in the Hauts-de-France, where the “coqueleurs” always organize this kind of clashes. This tradition also persists in certain overseas territories, even if the construction of new gallodromes is prohibited.

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