Cold • What helps against the runny nose?

A runny nose is a typical symptom of colds, allergies and other respiratory diseases. It can hardly be prevented, but there are good treatment options. An acute cold can be relieved with home remedies. Read here what helps with a runny and blocked nose!

A typical course of a runny nose is shown by recurring sneezing attacks, initially a runny nose that is soon reddish and inflamed from frequent cleaning, which is increasingly blocked so that breathing becomes difficult. Acute rhinitis is caused by an inflammatory change in the nasal mucosa. The mucous membranes produce more fluid, which is why the nose runny. With an acute cold, the body tries to get rid of the virus by producing more mucus in the nose.

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A runny nose is a symptom that is common as there are over 200 viruses known to cause it. Therefore, everyone is affected several times. The pathogens spread quickly, for example in companies or kindergartens.

In addition to the acute runny nose caused by the flu or cold, a runny nose can also have other causes such as an allergy. The duration, course and treatment depend on the trigger. In most cases, a runny nose is harmless and disappears when the cold subsides.

What causes a runny nose?

Usually the cause of a cold is a simple ("uncomplicated") viral infection, that is, a cold. The most common pathogens are rhino and corona viruses. Adults suffer from it an average of two to four times a year, and children even up to ten times due to their not yet fully developed immune system. Bacteria are the trigger in only about eight out of 100 cases of a cold.

Colds or real flu?

Influenza viruses can cause real flu (influenza), especially in the autumn and winter months. In contrast to the flu-like infection, which usually begins insidiously, the flu usually occurs suddenly and with severe symptoms and takes a more severe course: high fever of up to 40 ° C with chills, chills and sweats, severe muscle and limb pain, severe boring Headaches, dry, often severe and painful coughs, tiredness and exhaustion are typical. A runny nose, on the other hand, is a less characteristic symptom of the flu.

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Nasal mucous membrane and sinus inflammation: runny nose as a symptom

Since the mucous membranes of the nose and paranasal sinuses merge directly into one another at certain points, the transition is from a simple cold often flowing to a sinus infection (sinusitis). Doctors then speak of acute rhinosinusitis. In addition to a cold, typical symptoms are facial pain that can be felt behind the forehead, cheek or as a toothache in the upper jaw. The pain increases when you press or tap the affected area with your fingers, and also when the head is tilted forward. The runny nose can be purulent in the further course. If the symptoms last longer than twelve weeks, acute rhinosinusitis has developed into a chronic form.

Other causes of runny nose

More and more people in the western industrialized countries suffer from colds without first catching a cold. It is estimated that 10 to 20 percent of the population are affected by so-called allergic rhinitis, or runny nose caused by allergies. As with hay fever, it can be limited to certain times of the year (for example due to early bloomers or grass / rye, mugwort) or all year round occur when the triggering allergen is present at all times (for example, if you are allergic to house dust mites, cat hair or mold).

Obstructed nasal breathing is also a characteristic symptom of nasal polyps, i.e. benign tumors of the nasal mucosa. Chronic runny nose as well as repeated sinus infections and otitis media can be associated with nasal polyps. Polyps occur when the lining of the nose is repeatedly irritated. This happens, for example, when the nasal septum is inclined in some places where nasal secretions accumulate and the nose is poorly ventilated.

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Diagnosis of a cold

By recording the symptoms of the disease (anamnesis) and the physical examination, the family doctor or ear, nose and throat doctor (ENT) gains the decisive information as to whether it is a simple runny nose as a symptom of a cold or whether the runny nose is due to a sinus infection, for example or one is due. For example, the doctor asks:

  • how long the complaints have existed
  • what additional symptoms are present and whether these are exacerbated by certain triggers
  • what the nasal secretions are like

During the physical exam, he will feel the face for painful areas. He can also examine the nasal mucosa with a small mirror (rhinoscope). If an allergic runny nose is suspected, the doctor will conduct an allergy test by.

In some cases, imaging tests may be required, such as nasal polyps or recurrent rhinosinusitis, in preparation for surgery. Above all, computed tomography (CT) and ultrasound (sonography) are possible.

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Treatment: what helps against a cold?

How a cold is treated depends on the cause of the cold. In principle, however, one should act early and purposefully even with a supposedly "banal" cold in order to avoid possible complications such as bacterial superinfection.

Doctors recommend not just waiting for a viral runny nose to go away on its own, but rather using suitable means to get relief and thus get better again more quickly. This can also cause complications such as bacterial secondary infections can be effectively prevented.

A runny nose that occurs as part of a viral infection can be treated with substances that cause the nasal mucosa to swell. For this purpose, and drops with xylometazoline or oxymetazoline are suitable. By reducing the swelling of the inflamed nasal mucosa, on the one hand the acute symptoms improve by making breathing easier, on the other hand the ventilation of the nose and paranasal sinuses is improved, which at the same time prevents the development of a sinus infection.

However, since the active ingredients can dry out and damage the nasal mucosa in the long term, they should not be used for longer than seven days without consulting a doctor. Nasal sprays that also contain dexpanthenol protect the nasal mucous membrane from drying out and accelerate the healing of wounds in the nose.

If necessary, pain medication can be taken to relieve the discomfort.

Treatment for sinusitis

In the case of an acute sinus infection, a decongestant nasal spray is also useful to treat the runny nose. Expectorant and anti-inflammatory agents can also be used. If there is already a chronic inflammation of the sinuses, cortisone-containing nasal sprays can be used.

Treatment with antibiotics is only necessary in the case of sinusitis if there is severe pain and increased inflammation, there is a risk of complications as a result of the disease or if there are serious previous illnesses.

Treatment of allergic rhinitis

In the case of an allergic rhinitis, it is initially recommended to avoid the triggering cause as far as possible. In order to alleviate the symptoms in a targeted manner, special antihistamines (as nasal sprays and tablets) have proven effective.

The only therapy with which the cause of an allergy can be eliminated is the so-called desensitization (allergen-specific immunotherapy, SIT). Here, the triggering allergen is administered over a longer period of time, starting with the smallest amounts in steadily increasing concentrations. As a result, tolerance to the allergen gradually develops, so that the excessive reaction of the immune system on which the allergy is based, at best, ceases completely from a certain point in time. However, this is a very lengthy therapy that can be considered especially for children.

Remove nasal polyps

Growths of the nasal mucous membrane in the form of nasal polyps (polyposis nasi) can be a nuisance for those affected. Purulent secretion that clogs the nose, difficulty breathing, snoring, poor sleep and headaches significantly reduce wellbeing and quality of life. Removal of the polyps can help.

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Home remedies for a cold

For an acute runny nose with a runny nose you can use tried and tested home remedies help:

  • Adequate hydration: Water and unsweetened teas, for example from elderflower, are ideal. This promotes blood flow to the mucous membranes so that the mucus liquefies and can be better transported away.

  • Steam baths: A steam bath has a disinfectant, anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect. To do this, put a tablespoon of table salt in a saucepan of boiling water. Hold your head over the pot and cover with a large towel. Inhale steam through your nose and exhale through your mouth for ten to 15 minutes. Children should only inhale under supervision. Beware of essential oils as additives, as these can additionally dry out the mucous membranes or cause allergic reactions.

  • Red light treatments: 10-15 minutes a day, children less. Relieves discomfort and helps fight bacteria.

  • Humidify room air: Hang up damp cloths in the room to keep the air moist. Dry air also irritates the mucous membranes of the nose.

  • or nasal douche: Dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt in 1/2 liter of lukewarm water and pull up with your nose from the cupped hand. The moistening of the mucous membranes helps the immune cells to fight the rhinitis pathogens. Also highly recommended for allergic rhinitis.

If the runny nose persists for more than seven days or if new symptoms appear, such as high fever, a doctor should be consulted.

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Preventive Tips

A healthy immune system effectively prevents a cold and the associated infections. Effective measures to build a healthy immune system are:

  • regular exercise in the fresh air
  • cold showers and saunas
  • adequate sleep (about eight hours per night)
  • balanced nutrition
  • Avoid psychological stress or reduce existing stress

During the cold season, it makes sense to wash your hands regularly to prevent the spread of germs. In addition, regular nasal rinsing with a physiological saline solution can significantly reduce the risk of catching a cold. This is ideally done after contact with many people, for example after using public transport or after work.

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