Congratulations, girl-mothers! You are even more beautiful than boy mothers …

As if some girl mothers weren't arrogant enough … Now they are supposed to be even prettier than the rest of humanity! To hell with this study. Pfff.

Yes, some girl moms are really nice. Really. I grant them their beauty from the bottom of my heart. But these nosy girls-mothers, who defend the white, ruffled dress of their (naturally female) star eyes on every playground against the mud attacks of our "bully", I would like to tell them clearly here and now: Statistics are statistics and not evidence of fact. Nothing and absolutely nothing has been proven for the individual case. Roger that? Okay, and now out with it, albeit grudgingly: According to a British study, attractive parents have a 36% increased chance of having a girl. Yes.

A young? It's nice too

Satoshi Kanazawa, a sociologist involved in the study, explains the results of the study in the book "Why Beautiful People Have More Daughters: From Dating, Shopping, and Praying to Going to War and Becoming a Billionaire – Two Evolutionary Psychologists Explain Why We Do What WeDo "- His theory: In evolutionary terms, girls have more of their beauty. This is why nature favors female sperm with particularly attractive genetic material. Aha. Unfortunately, there is still no study as to whether particularly strong-nerved and cool mums get 36% more boys, because boys just like to have cool mums from an evolutionary point of view. But that should be tested. Because being a boy mom is sometimes not that easy. After the birth, you hold this wonderful, abnormally good-smelling ball in your arms and receive congratulations like "A boy? Well, it's kind of beautiful too". With the second boy, the congratulations become even more contrite and from the third boy onwards there are open expressions of condolences. Yes, a nice study would do us young mothers quite well …

All nonsense! Guys are great! And so do we!

There may or may not be something to this beauty study, but it has no meaning for the individual anyway. I don't think the Beckhams stand out for their lack of attractiveness. Even so, her firstborn was a boy. Well, with Lady Di Charles can certainly be blamed, but with Rafael van der Vaart and Sylvie Meis you can't really say anything – at least nothing about a lack of beauty. So it's absolutely clear: that we have boys doesn't say anything about us. Although … one thing is true, namely that we can experience the incredible happiness of having sons. By the way, that somehow makes us beautiful. Because happiness always radiates outward.