Console for Christmas: how to get a PS5

Console at christmas
How do I get a PS5?

The PlayStation 5 should also be a coveted Christmas present in 2021.

© Girts Ragelis /

If you want to give away a PlayStation 5 for Christmas, you have to be lucky or dig deep into your pocket.

Last year, the PlayStation 5 was at the top of the wish list for many fans. But often this wish could not be fulfilled. Unfortunately, many will again go away empty-handed in 2021. Because the corona pandemic is still causing delivery problems.

Even after more than a year on the market, the situation has not relaxed that much. In the online shops there are still often indications such as “not available”, “currently not available” or “currently unfortunately sold out”. Amazon, MediaMarkt, Saturn, Euronics or Otto: Even with large retailers, most of the time there is little or no option to order the consoles. And if a contingent is available again, it is often sold out again in a very short time, usually in a few minutes.

Beware of scammers

Even before Christmas, there is often only the option of looking for devices on portals such as eBay or the like. There the consoles are offered by private individuals, who, however, know the prevailing situation and add a lot to the price. According to media reports, there has also been an increase in cases of fraud in the past. Another trick is to set the shipping costs very high.

You should also be careful with alleged competitions, especially on social media, and with spam emails. For example, criminals may only want to access user data in this way.

Even with well-known retailers, the prices are sometimes significantly higher than the recommended retail price. This is just under 400 euros (without drive) and 500 euros (with drive). In the past few months, for example, Amazon and Kaufland have repeatedly offered models at higher prices. However, these are offers on the marketplace or online marketplace. The devices are not sold by the companies themselves, but by third parties.


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