Conspiracy theories – «Novak crucified like Jesus» – the crazy statements of the Djokovics


After his entry was prevented, Novak Djokovic is stuck in the quarantine hotel in Australia. Srdjan Djokovic now compares the situation of his son with the suffering of Christ.

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The Djokovic family: Novak with his wife Jelena and mother Dijana and father Srdjan.

imago / ZUMA Press

Srdan Dojkovic compared his son to Jesus on Thursday.

Srdan Dojkovic compared his son to Jesus on Thursday.


For the family, Novak Djokovic is now

For the family, Novak Djokovic is now “a symbol and the leader of the free world”

Getty Images

  • The Djokovic family has repeatedly made headlines with special statements.

  • Father Srdjan compared his son to Jesus on Thursday.

  • In recent years, the 61-year-old has repeatedly shot hard against Roger Federer.

  • Novak’s wife Jelena spread confused theories about corona and fertility on Instagram in 2020.

Novak Djokovic has to tremble about his participation in the Australian Open. The Serb is currently in a quarantine hotel in Melbourne and hopes to be able to officially enter the country on Monday thanks to a lawsuit. The Serb himself is responsible for the vortex because he tried to travel to Australia unvaccinated thanks to a special permit.

The world number 1 had already spoken out against a vaccination in April 2020, but subsequently kept its vaccination status secret for a long time and blocked questions accordingly. Djokovic is considered an esoteric fan. He has appeared several times in an Instagram video with Chervin Jafarieh, a self-proclaimed alchemist. In it, the Iranian said that you can change the molecular structure of water just by thinking.

The tennis superstar recently criticized the media in connection with the vaccination debate. Some of his statements are misrepresented and he is being used for propaganda. «There is less and less free journalism and information. It’s all about spreading propaganda that serves an elite, ”Djokovic told Serbian media in November last year during the ATP Masters in Paris.

Wife Jelena spread conspiracy theories

But the 34-year-old is not the only one in the Djokovic family who regularly causes irritation with his statements. His wife Jelena, with whom Novak has been married since 2014, caused a shake of the head in the summer of 2020. On Instagram, she claimed that tooth decay and gum problems negatively impact women’s fertility. Jelena advised her followers to regularly rinse their mouths with salt water and baking soda.

The Serbian had only recently made a mistake on Instagram when she watched a ten-minute video by the US doctor Dr. Thomas Cowan posted. In it, he spreads the theories that 5G technology was jointly responsible for the development of the corona pandemic. Instagram then noted the post as incorrect information.

Father Srdjan makes comparison with Jesus

After his son’s entry into Australia was prevented, father Srdjan Djokovic spoke up again. In an interview with the Serbian newspaper “Telegraf” he said that although his son was now “in Australian captivity”, he was “as free as never before”. “From that moment on, Novak has become a symbol and leader of the free world, the world of poor and disadvantaged nations and peoples,” said the former ski racer.

On Thursday this will even increase again. “Jesus was crucified, everything was done to him, he endured it and still lives among us,” said Srdjan Djokovic at a press conference. “Now they are trying to crucify Novak in the same way and do everything to him.”

Time and again, Srdjan Djokovic distributed it publicly in recent years. A particularly popular destination for the 61-year-old: Roger Federer. “He is perhaps the greatest tennis player of all time, but as a person he is the opposite,” he told the Serbian newspaper “Kurir” in 2013. Last year he even asked Federer to resign on the Serbian program “Sportlight”. “Come on, bring up your children and do something else. Go skiing, just do something », hurried father Djokovic. “Tennis is not everything in life.”

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