Contact center and 4-day week: the winning combo?

Since the UK introduced the four-day week in some companies as part of a six-month pilot project, more and more European companies – including French ones – are asking to rethink the rhythm of the working week. traditional work. The objective is to offer employees an additional day off without loss of pay, while reducing the range of concentration to make them more creative during working hours.

Changing the existing model gives the opportunity to completely redefine the contact center by optimizing working time for employees. By facilitating automation and processes, but also the establishment of channels such as WhatsApp and other instant messengers, agents will be able to manage the volume in a staggered way. Thus, customers will no longer depend exclusively on voice calls, which can generate significant waiting times, and therefore frustration. In parallel with the four-day week, flexibility in the forms of work can therefore provide relief for employees, and have a positive impact on the end customer.

The main objective of contact centers is to process customer requests in the shortest possible time and in a targeted manner. However, meeting this requirement is already a challenge for customer service, even in a known context. Thanks to a clever mix of flexibility, new technologies (chatbots for example) and targeted communication between employees to achieve objectives, this rhythm of four working days could be made to work.

Managing customer service well can help make this new format of the workweek a success for both customers and employees. Here are four pillars that can guarantee this success:

  1. Effectively manage schedules: so that the four-day working week does not cause difficulties in reaching service employees, companies must rely on flexible team models. The implementation of a regulated service plan system guarantees employees fixed periods of rest and leisure. Scheduling tools, as well as easy-to-integrate apps, can be used for this purpose. Contact centers are a perfect example of the success of this organization of time, since many of them have offered a four-day work week for some time.
  2. Take advantage of automation: chatbots are a great way to redirect simple customer requests. However, they reach their limits in situations where the client feels the need to interact with a human to have a more empathetic and understanding approach. For companies that have introduced the four-day work week, automation is essential to ensure that every operation runs smoothly. To this end, it is important that they sort out and support the simplest interactions.
  3. Ensure communication: in customer services, a positive attitude often rhymes with a successful customer experience. It is therefore important that companies regularly seek the opinion of their employees and listen to their concerns. Only by knowing what works and what doesn’t can companies make the necessary adjustments. Only the environment and esteem at work can lead to trust, loyalty and employee commitment – ​​and ultimately to a positive customer experience.
  4. Focus on problem solving: To make the four-day workweek as smooth as possible, it’s important to give customers the information they need and employees the tools they need to resolve issues. Thus, companies will be able to reduce the number of repeat contacts.

By following these best practices, contact centers can not only continue to provide quality customer service, but also an improved employee experience. Indeed, by favoring an approach based on flexibility, the contact center and the four-day week will lead to a virtuous circle that will promote team efficiency, improve customer service and consequently customer engagement.

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