Contact to Halle assassin: Stephan B.’s pen pal leaves the police

Contact with the Halle assassin
Stephan B.’s pen pal leaves the police

Two years ago, right-wing terrorist Stephan B. carried out an attack on the synagogue in Halle. A young policewoman feels sympathy for the assassin. She writes letters to him in prison – and is found out. The woman now anticipates her threatened dismissal.

According to a report, a police officer from Saxony-Anhalt is no longer active in the state service because of her proximity to the imprisoned synagogue assassin from Halle an der Saale. The “Mitteldeutsche Zeitung” reported that she applied for her own release at the end of October. The woman in her early twenties had worked as a probationer for the police in Dessau-Roßlau.

Using a cover address, she is said to have expressed romantic feelings for the right-wing extremist assassin Stephan B. in love letters. According to a report in the “Süddeutsche Zeitung”, she is said to have written more than ten letters over the course of several months. In addition, the young woman is said to have revealed a tendency to right-wing extremist conspiracy theories.

Her sympathy for the terrorist was only noticed in her colleagues in the early summer of this year, when she is said to have relativized the act. The officers then reported their colleague to superiors. The letters were then found in Stephan B.’s cell.

In mid-September, the Police Inspectorate initiated disciplinary proceedings against the police superintendent in order to remove her from duty. According to the newspaper report, she anticipated that. The State Ministry of the Interior therefore did not confirm the process.

On Yom Kippur two years ago, the armed right-wing extremist B. tried to forcefully break into the synagogue in Halle. When the door held out, he shot two people nearby and injured two others while trying to escape. For the act, B. was sentenced to life imprisonment and preventive detention at the end of 2020.

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