Controversy after the withdrawal of the French flag under the Arc de Triomphe

Uno maneuver criticized by part of the opposition. As BFMTV spotted, several voices from the right and the far right pointed to the government’s choice to have the French flag withdrawn under the Arc de Triomphe, Friday, December 31, and to leave the banner alone. European Union to celebrate France’s presidency of the EU, which begins on Saturday. A symbolic affront to French identity, according to several presidential candidates.

The leader of the National Rally (RN), Marine Le Pen, was the first to draw, saying she was “outraged” by this initiative on Twitter. The presidential candidate explained to see in this decision a “provocation” which “offends those who fought for France”.

“To preside over Europe yes, to erase the French identity no! “Also rebelled on Twitter Valérie Pécresse, who will lead Les Républicains to the presidential election. “I solemnly ask Emmanuel Macron to restore our tricolor next to that of Europe under the Arc de Triomphe”, she demanded, believing that “we owe it to all our fighters who shed their blood for him “.

Éric Zemmour and Nicolas Dupont-Aignan go to the front

Same story on the side of Eric Zemmour, who strongly criticized the succession of recent events against this emblematic monument of France. “The Arc de Triomphe under Macron: after the sacking and packaging, the outrage”, wrote the declared presidential candidate, referring to the packaging of the Arc de Triomphe by the artist Christo, he a few weeks ago, and the sacking of the place during the demonstrations of the yellow vests movement, in 2018.

READ ALSOPackaging of the Arc de Triomphe: Parisians excited by the project?

Finally, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan was also scandalized by this initiative. Describing Emmanuel Macron as “a profaner who tramples on our national colors”, the deputy and presidential candidate affirmed that he would “never forgive him