Coolblue offers: Deals on mobile phones, monitors and more in the price check


With the offers from Coolblue you can save regularly when buying technology. We have the price comparison and show you the current top deals.

We show you the best technology offers from the online retailer Coolblue. (Source: Coolblue)

Coolblue was founded in 1999 in the Netherlands by entrepreneurs Pieter Zwart, Paul de Jong and Bart Kuijpers. It was only in 2020 that business was expanded beyond the Netherlands and Belgium to Germany, which is why the provider is still relatively unknown in our latitudes.

But that doesn’t do Coolblue justice, because the retailer always has a lot of great bargains in its range, as you can see below. Coolblue’s customer service is also increasingly being praised.

  1. Is Coolblue legit?
  2. Does Coolblue have vouchers or coupons?
  3. What payment options does Coolblue offer?
  4. What are the shipping costs at Coolblue?
  5. Never miss an offer

On every product page at Coolblue, after entering the post code, a forecast of the delivery time is given. In most cases, items ordered by 11:59 p.m. will be delivered the following day.

Is Coolblue legit?

Yes! Just because Coolblue is less well known in our latitudes does not mean that this is a dubious or even a fake shop. On the contrary, because in the summer of 2021 Coolblue opened a shop with 2,600 sqm of retail space in a prime location in Düsseldorf in the new “Kö-Bogen II”. Coolblue operates a total of 17 shops and employs over 6,000 people, together generating sales of around EUR 2 billion in 2020. The company also wants to convince German customers with customer service, fast delivery and personal product advice.

Does Coolblue have vouchers or coupons?

Coolblue offers no generic discount codes, offer codes or coupon codes. However, you can purchase gift vouchers for shopping at Coolblue in the online shop. If you sign up for the Coolblue newsletter, you will be informed about current offers and discount campaigns from the retailer.

What payment options does Coolblue offer?

At Coolblue you can pay by direct transfer, PayPal, Apple Pay, advance payment, voucher or credit card. Cash payments and debit cards are also accepted in the branch.

What are the shipping costs at Coolblue?

Coolblue does not charge shipping costs for standard deliveries. You only have to pay a fee if you want to receive your order within a certain period of time. Coolblue does not provide any information on how high these are. Standard deliveries are made between 7:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. on weekdays.

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