Cooling down the car: With the key trick against the summer heat

Sweltering summer heat
This is how you cool down your car immediately with the key trick

Scorching heat, even in the car – this can quickly become dangerous for the occupants

An overheated car is uncomfortable and can even be dangerous for the occupants. In the video you can see how your car key of all things can cool down the car immediately.

Hooray, summer is here! But we are very happy about the sun and heat: As a car owner, it is sometimes a bit too much of a good thing if the car has been parked in the sun for a long time. After all, pretty much everyone of us knows the unpleasant surprise when you find your own car as a glowing furnace. Fortunately, you can quickly defuse the problem with a little trick!

Car Heat: Dangerous for some passengers

By now everyone knows that the interior of a car not only becomes “uncomfortably warm” if it is exposed to the sun for too long, but also quickly reaches oven temperatures that are life-threatening. There is a good reason why there are frequent warnings against leaving small children or pets in a parked car when the temperatures outside are summer. But if you have general circulatory problems, you will quickly get carried away by the heat if you just get into an overheated car and drive off. After all, even the best air conditioning or ventilation takes time to bring the temperature down to some extent. And even a brief attack of dizziness can quickly be life-threatening in road traffic.

The trick for quick cooling

It is precisely for this reason that most drivers first open the vehicle doors wide on hot summer days and let the heat in the car dissipate before they drive off. Because regardless of the circulatory problems, nobody wants to sit on a boiling hot car seat and burn their fingers on the steering wheel. But there is actually a trick for most vehicle models that you can use to speed up this ventilation – and often before you even get to your car. In the video above you can see how your car key helps you get into a pleasantly cool car!


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