Corona vaccination – Salzburg starts processing the waiting list

Salzburg is now starting to work through the vaccination waiting list. 65,000 people are to be immunized in June. Schoolchildren and students are likely to follow in the summer vacation.

After the age prioritization has been lifted, the State of Salzburg will vaccinate all those people against Corona in June who have registered to date and who have sometimes been waiting months for the first bite. During the summer holidays, children and adolescents aged twelve and over, as well as students, are to be immunized. “Schools and universities should go into the autumn safely,” said health officer LHStv. Christian Stöckl today.

For the coming week, Stöckl expects that in the federal state essentially all those who are over 50 years of age and who have priority levels 1 to 3 have received at least the first vaccination. Since around 65,000 of the 294,000 registered people in Salzburg are still waiting for their first appointment, this group should now have their turn in the course of June. According to Stöckl, a good 100,000 doses are expected from Pfizer-Biontech alone in the next three weeks, some of which will of course be used for the second vaccinations.

70 percent in the doctor’s office

For the approximately 270 medical practices in the state, in which around 70 percent of vaccinations are processed, the new strategy means a break in new registrations, which in the coming weeks will only be possible on the vaccination streets, and thus also relieves the countless calls when you can finally get a vaccination appointment, said Christoph Fürthauer, Vice President of the Medical Association. As soon as the 65,000 people waiting have received their first immunization, people can also register with the doctors again.

From June 1st, all 12 to 20-year-olds in Salzburg can register for vaccinations, around 44,000 children and adolescents. These should then be vaccinated during the summer vacation. The age group of 15 to 19 year olds is currently also the one with the highest number of new infections, the seven-day incidence is currently around 75 according to state statistics. If there is a need, they will also think about vaccination campaigns in schools in the fall said Stoeckl. “However, the aim is for us to start the autumn with vaccinated students.”