Corona warning app: This is how you behave correctly after a risky contact

Corona warning app
Red warning of a risk encounter: you need to know that

The Corona Warning App, published by the Robert Koch Institute, helps to stop and prevent the spread of the Corona virus.


The fourth wave of the corona pandemic has reached Germany. An important and useful tool to stop the further spread is the Corona warning app. But what should be done if a risk encounter is reported?

More than 30 million people have now installed the Robert Koch Institute’s corona warning app on their smartphones. It is routinely recommended to check the status of one’s own risk encounters daily or more frequently. There are two possibilities how this check can end: Either the app gives you the green light because you did not have any risk contact or only those with a low probability of infection, or it warns you with a red screen. But how should you proceed in such a situation?

Corona warning app reports risk contact: You should know that

The warning in itself does not initially constitute an obligation to quarantine or the like. It is then important to go home and cut down on people outside of your own household. How you should proceed then also depends on your vaccination status. We explain in the video which scenarios and alternative courses of action are available.

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