Coronavirus / France-More than 100,000 new contaminations, a record

PARIS, December 25 (Reuters) – Health authorities announced on Saturday that they had recorded 104,611 new contaminations with COVID-19, a level unprecedented since the start of the pandemic in France.

The Minister of Health, Olivier Vran, warned last Wednesday that the threshold of 100,000 contaminations per day would be reached in the coming days.

Data published by Sant publique France show that 3,282 people are currently in resuscitation, a figure up 28.

Authorities also reported 84 new hospital deaths, bringing the total number of deaths in hospitals linked to COVID-19 to 95,513.

The government has decided to speed up the implementation of the vaccine pass in the face of the rapid spread of the Omicron variant of the coronavirus. He advanced the presentation of a bill initially scheduled for January 5 to December 27, so that this device can be voted on by Parliament and enter into force by the end of January.

Emmanuel Macron will chair a health defense council on Monday before the council of ministers during which the text will be presented. (Jean-Michel Blot report)

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