Coronavirus: In this crisis, we are all normal heroes

A crisis usually needs experts. People who can think in complex contexts, are highly educated and ready to take on responsibility – i.e. scientists, politicians, other decision-makers. Crises should not be left to the unsuspecting majority, people who do not understand the matter, do not have the big picture in mind and only too often act irrationally.

This is why the corona virus was initially a matter for the experts: renowned institutions such as the Robert Koch Institute took care of it, virologists like Christian Drosten became nationally known, health minister Jens Spahn became the crisis manager. However, with all their competence and experience, the experts were basically powerless. Not only because it is a difficult virus to catch, but because millions of people have been used to overcome this crisis. Strictly speaking: everyone.

Anyone can help fight the corona virus

Anyone can get the corona virus. But everyone can also make a small contribution to prevent it from spreading even faster among the population. The goal of flattening the infection curve and thus avoiding overloading the health system can only be achieved together – if as many people as possible pull along. "It all depends on each individual," Chancellor Angela Merkel spoke to the citizens in her television address, insistently into her conscience.

This also means that everyone can be a small building block in solving the corona crisis. Young or old, uneducated or well-read, poor or rich. In the meantime it works well. It took a little bit of persuasion and also sharp political measures, not everyone wanted to see for themselves how important it is now to do without social contacts and to stay at home. But it seems that almost everyone – be it voluntarily or under gentle pressure – is helping to fight the virus.

We are all doing without

It is often not easy, sometimes it is quite difficult. Just think of the parents, who are brought to the end of their strength by the children every minute. To the elderly and people with previous illnesses who have to withdraw especially because they belong to the risk group and suffer from loneliness. To people who cancel long-planned trips. The many artists, restaurant operators and others for whom the crisis means massive financial losses. Or simply those who do not make direct social contacts, even though the blanket falls on their heads at home – because they know what it is about.

So Angela Merkel said: "When I see today how almost everyone has completely changed their behavior, how the vast majority of you really avoid any unnecessary contact, precisely because it can also contain a risk of infection, I would simply like to say: Thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart. "

The corona virus strikes us in many different places, but we are all doing without something in order not to endanger the common good. It is a joint effort – and in the end we can all look back at something we have achieved together. We normal heroes.

Would you like to help with a donation?

You can also help people who are particularly hard hit by the Corona crisis with a donation. The stern foundation forwards your money to selected aid projects. IBAN DE90 2007 0000 0469 9500 01; BIC DEUTDEHH; Keyword: Corona solidarity;

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Stern pastoral care: 30 experts help

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