Costs: 23 million euros – city employees travel on public transport for free

From May, the city’s 67,000 employees will receive their annual public transport pass free of charge. The community sees it as a sign of climate protection. The job ticket costs the general public 23 million euros per year.

With 67,000 employees, the city of Vienna is one of the largest employers in the country. “It is all the more important that the city offers its employees attractive working conditions,” emphasizes Mayor Michael Ludwig (SPÖ). And to underline this, all employees will now receive a free annual public transport ticket, the so-called job ticket, from May onwards. The relevant resolutions are to be passed in the responsible local council committee at the end of February and in the local council on March 20th. Reason for joy Another reason for joy for the city’s employees. After all, there was only a salary agreement of 9.15 percent with at least 192 euros for 2024 and an increase in the child allowance to 21 euros. “The job ticket means a further plus of 365 euros,” says unionist Christian Meidlinger from younion with satisfaction. And the city’s apprentices also receive the top youth ticket for free. For the general public, this means costs of 23 million euros this year. “We see this investment as a sign of appreciation for the city’s employees and as a pioneering initiative that benefits our climate,” emphasizes Climate City Councilor Jürgen Czernohorszky (SPÖ). Climate ticket holders also receive a share for those who have a valid Wiener Linien annual ticket beyond May will have their share refunded. And climate ticket holders also get the Vienna part back from the city.
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