Could the four-day week be adopted massively in France? Understand in three minutes

In France as in Europe, the Covid-19 pandemic has upset our relationships at work, with many employees wishing to find another balance between private and professional life. The four-day week is one of these aspirations. While the experiments are multiplying, 10,000 French employees are already benefiting from this professional organization, according to the Ministry of Labor, even if the models vary, depending on the constraints of each company.

Already tested thirty years ago, this measure is therefore making a comeback in the public debate. For Pierre Larrouturou, MEP for the Nouvelle Donne party and fervent defender of the four-day week, 2023 even promises to be a pivotal year for the democratization of this model.

Our explanations in this three-minute video. And if you want to know more about the subject, we refer you to the decryption below.

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