Couple: these ten mistakes to avoid so that the relationship lasts

Keeping a relationship going is sometimes enough with simple gestures. Avoiding a few mistakes can solidify the foundations of your relationship.

When you are told that communication is the key to the success of a relationship, you have to start believing it. Relationship psychologist Emma Kenny says it’s important to discuss outlines early in a relationship. Everyone must understand the type of relationship they are looking for and their non-negotiable points.“, according to Emma.

The 2nd mistake to avoid is to base the relationship on your sexual urges. A relationship must survive three stages: desire, attraction and attachment. Research shows that the desire state only lasts a maximum of five months, because it is driven by a craving for sexual gratification caused by the release of the hormones testosterone and estrogen“, explains the expert.

The 3rd mistake is compare the person with your father or mother. “If you compare him to a parent who disappointed you and use your negative experiences to dismiss the many positive traits he possesses, your relationship is doomed“, says Emma Kenny.

The 4th mistake is do not accept compliments. The expert explains that if you have a low “self esteem”, you will not be able to objectively accept the positivity coming from the other. which can greatly damage the relationship.

The 5th mistake is a classic and it’s about talking about your exes. “We all have a story, but in new relationships, it’s best to leave this very far in the past, explains Emma Kenny. The trap is to compare your present with your past.

Above all, do not choose your partner during the fertile period

The 6th mistake is let your hormones guide you. The psychologist explains that women are genetically attracted to men “hypermasculine” during the ovulation period. A serious mistake that harms a lasting relationship.

The 7th mistake is to get into a relationship by fear of loneliness. “The fear of being alone means that you may end up settling for less than you deserve, says Emma Kenny.

The 8th mistake is redo your partner’s wardrobe. “Accept your partner ashe is the only solution to guarantee you the success of a long-term relationship“, always according to Emma.

The 9th mistake is leave certain doors open. If you leave a window open to people ready to win you over, then your relationship will only last a few months.

The last and not the least mistake is tobeing hypercritical of one’s partner. “No one loves everything about their partner, but it’s aboutlearn to let small irritations pass“, ends Emma Kenny.


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