Covid-19: companies facing cascading work stoppages

France is facing an outbreak of cases of Covid-19 and in particular of the Omicron variant, with the consequence: a significant increase in the number of work stoppages. “For the past month, we have seen a fairly strong increase in all companies, on the one hand, absences linked to Covid cases, temporary absences linked to contact cases, as well as absences linked to class closures. Depending on the region. , it differs, but it is relatively high “, indicates to BFMTV Benoit Serre, vice-president of the ANDRH, the national association of the DRH.

And some sectors would be particularly affected. On the front line: jobs where employees are in contact with the public. “Not necessarily hotels and restaurants, but salespeople for example, it is rather those who will be affected more strongly than others who only go to an office to leave at night,” underlines Benoit Serre.

>> To read also – Covid-19: the Omicron variant should be “in the majority” in France “between Christmas and New Year”

And the situation could get worse after the holiday season. “If the Omicron variant comes to power, we are extremely worried. We will have to strengthen the barrier gestures, the smoothing of transport schedules, encourage those who cannot telework to come with their personal vehicles”, details to BFMTV Bernard Cohen- Hadad, president of CPME Île-de-France.

>> Read also – Covid-19: record of hospitalizations among children, our update on the epidemic

According to the annual absenteeism barometer published on Monday, December 6, by Malakoff Humanis, in 2021, the number of sick leaves filed by French workers started to rise again after having fallen in 2020. First reason for stop: the Covid-19. Where this reason for stopping represented 6% of total absences last year, 12% of sick leaves prescribed in 2021 are linked to Sars-Cov-2.

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