Covid-19: Emmanuel Macron decided to “piss off” the unvaccinated “to the end”

Jacques Serais, edited by Gauthier Delomez with AFP
, modified at

11:21 p.m., January 04, 2022

A statement far from going unnoticed. Emmanuel Macron said Tuesday, in an interview with Parisian
, be determined to “piss off” the unvaccinated “to the end” by “limiting for them, as much as possible, access to social activities”. “The unvaccinated, I really want to piss them off. And so we will continue to do it, until the end. That’s the strategy,” said the head of state, while the text on the vaccine pass gives rise to a heated debate in the National Assembly.

To a question from a reader of Parisian stressing that the unvaccinated “occupy 85% of resuscitations”, which leads to a postponement of operations, Emmanuel Macron replies that this remark “is the best argument” for the government’s strategy and that, “in a democracy, the worst enemy it is lies and stupidity “. “Almost all of the people, more than 90%, have adhered” to the vaccination and “it is a very small minority that is resistant”, he adds.

“I’m not going to put the unvaccinated in jail”, promises Macron

“That one, how do we reduce it? We reduce it, sorry to say it, like that, by pissing him off even more. Me, I’m not for pissing off the French. I plague all day against the administration when it blocks them. Well there, the unvaccinated, I really want to piss them off, “he continues.

“I am not going to put them in prison, I am not going to forcibly vaccinate them. And so, we must tell them: from January 15, you will no longer be able to go to the restaurant, you will no longer be able to take a cannon, you You will no longer be able to go for a coffee, you will no longer be able to go to the theater, you will no longer be able to go to the movies … “, explains the Head of State. He was speaking while the deputies had resumed the debate on the vaccine pass in an electric atmosphere after the surprise vote refusing the continuation of the debates on the night of Monday to Tuesday.

“Appalling” for Mélenchon, “unworthy” for Marine Le Pen

The LFI candidate for the presidential and deputy Jean-Luc Mélenchon was one of the first officials to react to the interview at the Parisian. “Does the President control what he says? The WHO says” convince rather than coerce “. And him?” Piss off more “. Appalling”, he denounces in a tweet. For Marine Le Pen, the candidate of the RN, “a President should not say that. The guarantor of the unity of the nation persists in dividing it and assumes wanting to make the unvaccinated second-class citizens. Emmanuel Macron is unworthy of his office “.

“President, I will stop pissing off the French. The outgoing President, he speaks openly of pissing off a category of French,” also immediately tweeted the candidate from the right to the right Eric Zemmour. At LR, Bruno Retailleau estimated that no “health emergency justifies such words. Emmanuel Macron says he has learned to love the French, he especially likes to despise them. We can encourage vaccination without insulting anyone or pushing for radicalization” , he said.

“He is making vaccination a referendum for or against Macron. It is a political fault,” said environmental candidate Yannick Jadot. “Reunite France”, commented ironically on Twitter his socialist rival Anne Hidalgo, while the leader of the PS Olivier Faure denounced “the remarks of a candidate who seeks to divide to consolidate his electoral base”.

The vaccine pass threshold pushed back to 16 years old

The deputies pushed back to 16 years against 12 previously the threshold required for the vaccine pass, in order to appease debates engaged in an electric atmosphere. The modification was adopted almost unanimously – 386 votes in favor, two against – during the examination at first reading at the Palais Bourbon of the bill establishing the vaccination pass. The compromise on this issue relating to the vaccination of minors, which had greatly contributed to tense up the debate, was made around an amendment by the socialist Cécile Untermaier, subamended during the session by the government.

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