Covid-19: for lack of staff, a mayor in Côte-d’Or provides the canteen at school

The mayor of Ouges fears that the situation will deteriorate in the school environment due to the lack of staff.

While the Covid-19 epidemic has disrupted the daily lives of students for more than two years, some municipalities are encountering more and more difficulties to keep schools running smoothly. This is the case for the town of Ouges, in Côte-d’Or, where the mayor Jean-Claude Girard, did not hesitate to roll up his sleeves to ensure lunch for schoolchildren, reports France Info . Last Friday, three cases of Covid-19 were declared among the six municipal agents dedicated to the canteen. At Figaro, the mayor explained that he was going to ensure the continuity of the canteen all this week.

In this small town of 1,600 inhabitants, 85 children, including 60 elementary school children and 25 nursery school children were expected last Friday at the school canteen. But in the morning, the mayor learns that three staff members are positive for Covid-19. “Two solutions presented themselves to us: either call the parents at the last minute, or provide the meals for the children ourselves.“, indicates Jean-Claude Girard to the Figaro.

The chosen one could count on the “solidarity» and the «motivationof municipal councilors and a former firefighter. But Jean-Claude Girard hopes that this situation will not last indefinitely. “Serving in the school canteen is a real job», He specifies. “The government and parliamentarians do not realize the complexity of the terrain” To fix “to the difficulties experienced by small municipalities.

In view of the number of cases of Covid-19 in schools, the mayor believes that the health of children must be preserved today. “The presence of children in school decreases every week. We can clearly see that everything is too tense at all levels.“He also deplores too many changes in health protocols, “difficult to set up quickly.»

SEE ALSO –Everyone is a bit lost”: parents try to adapt to the new health protocol at school

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