Covid-19: has the cost of screening tests really exceeded one billion euros per month?

THE CHEKING PROCESS – “These are sums that are delusional,” said Dr. Gérald Kierzek, pointing to the expensive results of the test campaign.

THE QUESTION. As Omicron expands across France, contamination increases, queues in front of pharmacies and laboratories lengthen, screening tests explode… And the government’s portfolio becomes lighter. Invited to Europe 1 last week, doctor Gérald Kierzek again criticized the current massive screening policy. Screening is useful “in the hollow of the wave […] but when you are in the middle of an epidemic wave, it no longer makes sense, because you can no longer tracecases, he argued.

Moreover, the current campaign has an exorbitant cost: “a billion and a half [d’euros] tests per month“, underlined the emergency doctor, also medical director of Doctissimo. This is not the first time that Dr. Kierzek has spoken on the subject: he had already regretted, at the beginning of January, that the tests cost “one billion [d’euros] per month. We have to stop, with these tests, pharmacists can’t take it anymore […]. You have to ask yourself the question…

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