Covid-19 in France: “We are not yet at the peak” assures Gabriel Attal

The government spokesperson spoke to the press on Wednesday after the Council of Ministers.

While Olivier Véran, Minister of Health, wanted to be reassuring on Tuesday, declaring that “We are in the process of crushing the Delta variant”, government spokesman Gabriel Attal tempered this Wednesday. At the exit of the Council of Ministers, facing the press, the latter insisted, “We are not yet at the peak” he declared, while France recorded 500,000 new cases of Covid-19 on Tuesday. He noted, however, “a decline in the Ile-de-France region”.

“We are on course”

He also confirmed that the government is “keeping its timetable” on the future lifting of restrictions, “we are on course” he said. Apart from the implementation of the vaccination pass since Monday, January 24, the schedule for this reduction in measures will be structured around two dates: the Wednesday February 2 (removal of gauges, end of wearing a mask outdoors, reduction of telework) and the Wednesday February 16 (Consumption authorized in stadiums, cinemas, transport; consumption authorized standing in bars, resumption of standing concerts, reopening of nightclubs).

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