Covid-19: soon a negative test in addition to the vaccine pass to access certain places?

A new emergency measure symbolizing the government’s response to the omicron variant? The bill transforming the health pass into a vaccination pass will be examined in committee by the deputies on Wednesday, December 29 for entry into force on January 15.

And in the text, still under discussion, the executive couple does not refrain from imposing a “accumulation of supporting documents” to access a certain number of places in the event that “the interest of public health” and “the state of the health situation ”can justify it.

Concretely, it would be a question of having a negative test, in addition to a complete vaccination schedule to be able to enter certain places.

This new health measure wanted by the French authorities is the direct consequence of the spread of the highly contagious Omicron variant, which puts the planet on alert.

On December 17, the government announced the transformation of the health pass into a vaccine pass by the end of January 2022. At the same time, the schedule was accelerated with the holding of an exceptional Council of Ministers preceding the examination of the bill in the National Assembly.

On Thursday, President Emmanuel Macron called on the French to “take care of each other”, in particular through tests before reuniting with their loved ones for the end of the year celebrations. For the first time since the start of the epidemic in March 2020, France has passed the 90,000 contamination mark (91,608 to be precise) in twenty-four hours.

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