Covid-19: the Canadian government wants to suspend unemployment benefits for the unvaccinated

The federal government considers that public aid is not intended to support people who lose their jobs by refusing the vaccine.

Unvaccinated people will no longer be entitled to unemployment insurance in Canada, as long as the fight against the pandemic remains the government’s priority. This is the decision of the federal authorities, while 10% of the population aged 12 and over has not yet received any dose of the vaccine.

The Liberal government, firmly determined to vaccinate its entire population to fight against the coronavirus, justified its decision for two reasons. The economic aspect first of all, to anticipate the risk of workplaces closing due to clusters, but above all with an incentive purpose, in order to encourage the last recalcitrant to anti-Covid vaccination. In the country, the 83% of the population who have received at least one dose of vaccine are not enough to stop contamination. In recent days, nearly 80,000 new daily cases have been recorded.

Employment insurance, equivalent to unemployment benefits in Canada, will henceforth be reserved for the unemployed who have been vaccinated, with the exception of people with medical exemption. A measure decreed until further notice, said Federal Employment Minister Carla Qualtrough. “I don’t know how long it will last“, She said. “As long as the collective public health of Canadians is threatened and our economy is threatened, we must keep public health policy at the forefront of our decisions in the areas of jobs, labor and the economy.», She explained.

SEE ALSO – Isolation: what changes from January 3 for vaccinated and non-vaccinated

The unvaccinated often “misogynistic” and “racist“According to Justin Trudeau

The pressure of the Liberal government on the unvaccinated, notably through the voice of its Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, is particularly strong in Canada. On social networks, an excerpt from an intervention by the head of government on Quebec television, dated September 16, resurfaced at the end of December. A few days before the election, the Canadian leader claimed the firmness of his Liberal party towards the unvaccinated, unlike the Conservatives “softer“, And pointed to these people”who do not believe in science, who are often misogynist, often racist too“. One “small group but which takes up space“, According to the Prime Minister, who asks:”Do we tolerate these people? […] Because 80% of Quebecers did the right thing“. Words that made the leader of the People’s Party of Canada, Maxime Bernier, react on December 28. “Fascist psychopath“, Rebuked the latter by relaying the video extract on Twitter.

Another video, dated December 3, also filmed on social networks, showing Justin Trudeau speaking to 5-year-old children in front of the camera, urging them to be vaccinated. “You will have the opportunity to receive your vaccine as soon as you turn 5 years old. I know you’re excited, I know you can’t wait“, Encouraged the Prime Minister with a smile, with over-playful enthusiasm. A speech that earned him many taunts and criticisms.

Some workers in Canada are already subject to compulsory vaccination. This is the case of federal officials who, since November 15, have been placed on unpaid leave for lack of being able to confirm their vaccination status to their manager. The obligation also applies to elected officials wishing to sit in the House of Commons. The only party not to support the compulsory vaccination of elected officials, the Conservative Party of Canada (PCC) defended the decision, to no avail. Nursing staff are still free to exercise without being vaccinated, provided they are screened three times a week.

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