Covid-19: “There will be many substitute sessions for the exams”

Solene Delinger
, modified at

9:13 a.m., January 07, 2022

Frédérique Vidal was the guest of Europe 1 this morning. At the microphone of Dimitri Pavlenko, the Minister of Higher Education assured that students who could not pass their exams because of the Covid will have the opportunity to take them again during “substitution sessions”. These students will therefore not go on to catch-up.


Higher education is getting organized in the face of the epidemic rebound. While more and more students are contaminated by the Omicron variant, universities will offer them “substitution sessions” to catch up on their partial, assured the Minister of Higher Education Frédérique Vidal this morning on Europe 1. These students will therefore not go into catch-up.

Sessions two weeks to two months after the exam date

“We have asked institutions to set up these sessions within two weeks to two months after the date of the exam,” explained Frédérique Vidal on Europe 1. These sessions concern students who have tested positive for Covid-19 .

The protocol is indeed very strict for students with Covid: there is no question of them going to the exams. On the other hand, “the rules have evolved in the definition of contact cases”, underlined the Minister of Higher Education. “When you are completely vaccinated and negative, you can take the test.”

Negative contact cases can take their exams

Contact cases are therefore authorized to take their examinations, provided they have a complete vaccination schedule and performed a negative PCR or antigen test. Frédérique Vidal also recalled that the health pass had never been applied for exams and for teaching. “And it will be the same for the vaccination pass,” she added.

“The vaccination rates among 18-24 year olds are over 95%. Young people are responsible and also very mobilized for the third dose”, welcomed the Minister at the microphone of Europe 1.

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