Covid-19: what does the new health bill provide, examined this Monday in the Assembly?

Arthur De Laborde
modified to

7:55 a.m., July 11, 2022

The National Assembly examines from this Monday evening the first bill of the new legislature. It focuses on the health situation, while the indicators of the epidemic are turning red. Except surprise, this text against the Covid should be adopted despite the relative majority, but the debates promise to be heated.

The National Assembly examines from this Monday evening the first bill of the new legislature. It focuses on the health situation, while the indicators of the epidemic are turning red. This bill is intended to take over from the state of health emergency regime which will end on July 31.

Introduction of the border health pass

It contains two main measures: the maintenance of the computer system centralizing the screening results until March 2023. And the establishment of a health pass at the borders and for journeys between mainland France and overseas territories, from August 1.

The Nupes will vote against the text

It is this second point which should give rise to the most debate in the hemicycle. Some MPs denounce the stigmatization of overseas. The oppositions are also demanding clarification on the criteria that will make it possible to use the device. The National Rally and insubordinate France should also take advantage of the examination of this bill to castigate the government’s health policy more broadly. The Nupes has already made it known that it would vote against the text.

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