Covid-19: with Omicron, the unvaccinated “become threats for the entire population”

HEALTH CRISIS – Invited on LCI this Tuesday morning, Professor Didier Sicard, former president of the National Consultative Ethics Committee, believes that people who refuse vaccination against Covid-19 “are currently in danger of death”.

A new call for vaccination. On the eve of the end of the year holidays, while the number of Covid-19 cases continues to increase, Professor Didier Sicard, former president of the National Consultative Ethics Committee (CCNE), warns that the wave Omicron will sweep across France. Because if the Delta variant is still the majority in the country, Omicron seems much more contagious. According to him, only the vaccine will be able to protect us.

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Omicron variant: the planet on alert

“Omicron is dangerous in the sense of contamination”, indicates on LCI Professor Didier Sicard. “It’s a ratio of 1 to 10: the first virus we would give it 1, the Delta we would give it 3, and Omicron we would give it 10.” Therefore, he is particularly alarmist towards the more than 5.5 million French people who still refuse the injection. “The price to be paid by the unvaccinated in the coming weeks will be very heavy”, insists the ex-president of CCNE. “They are currently in danger of death.”

“Their indifference has dramatic consequences for others”

“Vaccination prevents dying, not contaminating”, continues Didier Sicard. With the Omicron variant, “in 70% of cases, without the slightest symptom, a healthy person can infect ten people”, he assures. “The March 2020 model is finished. The idea that we can escape contamination, under the pretext that we are very careful, becomes a myth. It is not a question of demonizing those who are against the vaccine, but the virus is smarter than their defense capabilities. “

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If the nearly 20 million French people triply vaccinated are “95% protected”, the unvaccinated remain more vulnerable. “Their indifference and refusal has dramatic consequences for others”, regrets Didier Sicard. “They see themselves as custodians of all their freedoms, but they become threats to the entire population, they prevent cancers from being treated. We must stop empty rhetoric, sometimes supported by irresponsible caregivers or men and women politicians who derive legitimacy from it. They don’t realize that they end up destroying their own society. “

To push the unvaccinated to take the plunge, the government intends to put in place, from the end of January, a vaccination pass. “We live in society, we are interdependent”, reacts Didier Sicard. “You have to think of the other before thinking of yourself. I am in favor of the introduction of the vaccination pass and compulsory vaccination, unless there are contraindications.”

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