Covid: have we passed the peak of contamination, as Emmanuel Macron announced?

Guillaume Dominguez

During the traditional July 14 interview, Emmanuel Macron explained that France had passed its peak of contamination. However, at the microphone of Europe 1, infectious disease specialist Benjamin Davido calls for being very careful about the figures of recent days. The seventh wave could still be rife.

Have we really crossed the peak of Covidien contaminations? This is what Emmanuel Macron announced Thursday during the July 14 interview. But if the number of contaminations has decreased slightly in recent days, the seventh wave is not over, according to Benjamin Davido. He is an infectious disease specialist at the Raymond-Poincaré hospital in Garches, in the Hauts-de-Seine.

“It could be a false dish”

According to the infectiologist, it is necessary to distinguish the peak of contaminations and the hospital peak. “These are two different things and often shifted between ten and fifteen days. Where we have to be careful is that we know very well that there is a particular period of the July 14 weekend, the start of holidays for some. There will be factually less screening and therefore this slowdown, or this impression of slowing down, of contaminations.

Benjamin Davido calls for caution. “It can be a false flat, even if we have reached this peak. It will be an extremely perilous exercise for caregivers since it is necessary that from September 1, the hospital can be emptied of its more than 20,000 patients with of Covid in the space of a month, which is going to be particularly difficult.”

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