Crime scene preview on April 14, 2024: Murder of a chimpanzee – this is what awaits you in the Zurich crime scene “Of Apes and People”


Preview of the “crime scene” from April 14, 2024: The Zurich commissioners Grandjean and Ott face a special case in which a chimpanzee is involved. This is known as “Of Apes and Men”.

Crime scene: Of monkeys and people (Source: SRF/Sava Hlavacek)

On Sunday, April 14, 2024, at 8:15 p.m. on Erste, we will follow the Zurich “Tatort” team in an unusual case. In “Of Apes and People,” detectives Tessa Ott (Carol Schuler) and Isabelle Grandjean (Anna Pieri Zuercher) have to investigate a crime in which a chimpanzee is the victim.

But their superior Wegenast could thwart their plans with her career-oriented behavior. The public prosecutor wants to take advantage of the results of the investigation – a risky approach!

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