Cro: Fresh start without a panda mask? |

Cro's latest video, burying his panda mask, puzzles the rapper's fans: is the 30-year-old ending his career?

A new short clip by the rapper Cro (30, "Easy") causes great excitement among his fans. The musician bears his trademark, a panda mask, in it. The mysterious clip that the rapper has shared on his social channels poses many puzzles. The speculations of the fans range from the end of a career to a fresh start.

Since the clip was only tagged with the hashtag "restinpeace", many fans believe that Cro wants to end his musical career. "Please don't say you stop," writes a user on Instagram, for example. Another user suspects: "No mask or new mask". Most fans see it similarly. They don't believe in a career end, but hope for a new start without a mask – with a new album and a new sound.

Instagram has been cleared

Cro had already caused a stir yesterday, Tuesday, July 28, after deleting all posts on his Instagram channel and posting a compilation of his key milestones. He only wrote: "It was an honor."
