Crypto artist Beeple hacked: On Twitter, they steal $440,000 of Ethereum (ETH)

Ill-gotten good… – The cryptocurrency sector is constantly evolving. It attracts new investors, professionals or individuals every day. The news is rich and unfortunately, the “hacks” and “crypto scams” section is also very extensive.. Clearly, ill-intentioned actors also evolve and compete in ingenuity to trap unconcerned investors. No less than 225 ETH, or approximately 440,000 dollars, were stolen via the official account of the beeple artist.

Phishing crypto: a security problem on Twitter?

As a preamble, remember that each transaction carried out on the blockchain is a personal initiative and involves risks (financial among others). It is therefore necessary to take maximum precautions and to invest in an informed manner. We therefore never recommend enough (false) to only use links from official social networks, protocols, or collections that interest you.

But this time the fraudulent link was present on the artist’s (certified) Twitter profile world famous NFT beep. What is problematic in terms of security and user protection. Some learned it at their expense.

The scammer used a fake Vuitton collection

As reported here harry.eththe beeple account “has been compromised and posts links to a phishing site to steal your funds”. Indeed the link indicated in the bio of his profile as well as others shared in tweets have deceived dozens of people. The hacker kept control of the Twitter account for several hours, the time to cause major damage, estimated by CoinTelegraph at $438,000. Cryptos, NFT, it’s all gone. The pirate was able to siphon the wallets unfortunate owners.

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A well-crafted scam

By succeeding in hacking into the highly followed account (672,000 subscribers) of a well-known, recognized NFT artist who has marked the history of this sector, the scammer has offered himself a leading megaphone to extract cryptos. He took advantage of a “certified” profile, ideal for circumventing the golden rule: always use links from official accounts.

Having sold his works at Christie’s, beeple is now known even outside the crypto world. He had recently released a collection of 30 NFTs in collaboration with luxury brand Louis Vuitton. The hacker maliciously created links to a fake lottery suggesting a new collaboration with the leather goods maker. When we know that beeple continues record saleseach new work creates a very strong demand, the hope of getting your hands on one of them and potentially carrying out the heist of the century.

This desire for immediate wealth is one of the levers that can lead to betting big, sometimes too big, or simply in the wrong place. This is why it is always essential to take the time to question your potential investments, and to weigh each decision. Because of phishing, every click on the internet or from your mailbox can cause havoc.

Stay away from spammers and scammers of all kinds. Avoid too-good-to-be-true offers like the plague, and get into the habit of being healthy with suspicion. On the other hand, also learn to place reasonable trust in respectable and recognized players in the ecosystem. The FTX platform falls without a shadow of a doubt into this second category. Come acquire and trade your first bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies by registering on FTX. You will thus benefit from a lifetime reduction on your transaction fees (affiliate link)

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