Crypto Weekly # 176 – Bitcoin and cryptocurrency news of the week

The week of 20/12 in brief – News regarding Bitcoin and cryptocurrency is in constant turmoil. It can happen that vital information gets lost in the daily news flow and you miss important points.

This format is there to remedy that. We come back to the news of the past week in the Crypto Weekly to keep you informed on the current situation of cryptocurrencies.

News in brief

Uniswap sets sail on Polygon (MATIC). The decentralized exchange platform is preparing to deploy version 3 contracts on the Polygon blockchain. As a reminder, this one offers much lower fees than those charged on Ethereum.

The Tornado Cash protocol gets a makeover. The latter announced the launch Nova, a new type of more anonymous pool. This allows, among other things, to make transfers, without having to withdraw funds from the protocol.

Burmese government uses USDT to bypass restrictions. The military government resulting from a coup d’état has used stablecoin and wants to make it its national currency.

Adidas embarks on the NFT race. The brand has announced its entry into the metaverse via partnerships with the NFT Bored Ape Yacht Club, GMoney and PUNKS Comic projects.

Parachains were deployed on the Polkadot mainnet. 5 projects that won the parachain auctions were deployed on the network. This marks the big launch of Polkadot.

The 5 metrics of the week

321, it is the number of ancient BTCs that have just woken up. These bitcoins, dormant since 2013, have just been moved by their owner. In practice, their owner has seen his investment multiplied by around 2,300 in the space of 8 years.

$ 30 million, it is the amount stolen from the Grim Finance protocol hosted on the blockchain Fantom. In fact, the attack lasted 6 long hours. The project teams have already announced a compensation plan.

Grim Finance publication – Source: Twitter

122,000, it’s the number of BTCs held by the MicroStrategy company. It has just announced that it wants to obtain a return on these funds, in particular by proposing to use them as collateral to benefit from long-term debt.

$ 4.9 billion, it is the amount destroyed in ETH since the deployment of the EIP 1559. These are more than 1.2 million ETH that were destroyed. This amount is expected to reach $ 5 billion in the coming days.

Evolution of ether destruction since EIP 1559

Three weeks, it is the time that the Bent Finance protocol attack lasted before being identified. In total, the attacker siphoned off $ 1.75 million in the protocol pools.

Have a good week and happy holidays on the Journal du Coin! ?

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