Culture news More than 35 years ago, Dragon Ball offered Goku a real job and it saved lives: we bet you don’t know this special episode of DB!

Culture news More than 35 years ago, Dragon Ball offered Goku a real job and it saved lives: we bet you don’t know this special episode of DB!

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You may be a Dragon Ball fan, but do you know this very special episode in which Son Goku is a firefighter?

Son Goku as a firefighter

As strange as it may seem, did you know that Goku already got a job as a firefighter? It was the time of a moment, or rather of a special episode: Gokū no shōbō-tai (“Goku the fireman”, in French). This short ten-minute moment was in fact never broadcast in France and was intended, in 1988, to teach young children some rules of life: here, in this case, the dangers of fire were instilled. The short story follows Goku, who is quietly training at the park while enjoying a pleasant day of rest after long hours of work as a firefighter. But now the hero witnesses a scene that greatly annoys him: two children are playing with fireworks and matches and have the brilliant idea of ​​lighting a fire in a trash can, before Goku intervenes with a bucket of water and explains to them the dangers of fire.

Accompanied by his friends, Goku then undertakes a risky intervention at the site of a fire caused in a house by a man who unfortunately fell asleep while smoking his cigarette. In the evening, the children will take the opportunity to explain the dangers of fire to their parents, who are far too unaware. The following day, Bulma in turn starts (yes, definitely) a fire by preparing a small dish. The children then rush to dial the number 119, that of the firefighters in Japan, to save the situation. Luckily, everyone is safe, even Bulma’s little cat, rescued by Son Goku.

If the version has not been found for a long time, the channel Kinto-Un Productions offered us two years ago and on a pretty silver platter a dusted and cleaned version of this cult and much too little-known episode. And good news, French subtitles are even available. For the record, the words of the end credits were changed to adapt to the story being told.

An amusement park to celebrate the work

Remember that the Dragon Ball amusement park, long awaited by fans, will soon be set up in Qiddiya, Saudi Arabia. It should represent an essential place for all fans of the universe created by the late Akira Toriyama. With an area of ​​more than 500,000 m², it will be divided into seven emblematic zones, with the house of Tortue Géniale and the Capsule Corporation. A statue of Shenron nearly 70 meters high will also host a roller coaster. According to the project’s architects, the key words are “respect for the work” and “excessive ambition”…

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