Cup of tea: 6 natural grandmother’s tips to remove stubborn marks: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

There are some for the whole house, grandmother’s tips! An expression that appeared during the 20th century which designates these remedies which are transmitted from generation to generation through acquired experience and time shared together. They are generally simple and natural. Current wife takes stock of those which can restore the whiteness of the enamel of cups which have contained tens of liters of tea (or coffee).

What makes teacups brown?

We have all seen cups of tea with brownish marks (these shades going from brown to black) at home, in the office or at friends’ houses, or even experienced using and cleaning them. If the stain is not cleaned quickly, it will become encrusted on the dishes. These marks are those of tannin, a natural element notably contained in tea, responsible for its flavor. Moreover, you will notice that the more the tea is infused, the more the bitterness increases and the greater the trace. This explains that.

6 Natural Ways to Clean a Cup of Tea

If the dishwasher or dishwashing liquid was not enough to get rid of the tea stains, here are other methods to remove them depending on the ingredients you have available:

  • Lemon or lemon juice : the citric acid it contains has cleansing and disinfecting properties. Cut a lemon in half or a slice and rub directly on the marks.
  • The clay stone : also called white clay stone or silver stone, it is degreasing, descaling and polishing. It also has a strong power of absorption of tasks. A sponge soaked in clay stone should be enough to remove the stains.
  • Toothpaste : on a toothbrush, with a little water, rub using circular movements so that it foams until the desired result is obtained. If that’s not enough, add 1 teaspoon of baking soda.
  • Baking soda : by mixing 2 tablespoons with a small cup of water, you form a paste with which to rub on the stains. If that’s not enough, add a little white vinegar, scrub and rinse.
  • White vinegar : a 30-minute soak in white vinegar previously heated in the microwave, then scrubbing with a sponge and that’s it!
  • Coarse salt and an clementine (in addition to white vinegar): this is the ultimate method (found on the YouTube channel of a Swiss media) ! If other techniques haven’t worked, this one should. Boil the equivalent of a cup of white vinegar. At the same time, put a pinch of coarse salt inside a clementine skin. Use it to rub on stains (a way to prepare for cleaning). Go over all the tasks well. Pour the vinegar into the cup and wait 30 minutes (or, at least, 15 minutes). Empty the cup. Polish with sponge. Rinse and admire the work!

Who do we say thank you? Thank you grandma!

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