Curly hair, our tips to help men style it

Curly hair is often difficult to maintain and it is true that we do not always find tips to help us, especially for men. How to maintain your hair? Which products to apply? What men’s hairstyle can I wear? … We have as many answers as you have questions.

It must be said that curly hair is not easy to maintain. They break very often, are difficult to style and get tangled very easily. You never know which cut to wear without mistreating them, or which products to use to treat them with care and gentleness. Which is a lot of problems and few articles with real advice to help us, and even less help for men. Gentlemen, you are going to be able and want to take care of your hair just as you take care of your beard (if you have one) maybe even more!

Men can always take a cue from women when it comes to curly hair care. Gentlemen, you can use their valuable tips and many testimonials to take it and apply it for you, but if you don’t know where to start, don’t panic. We will give you all the tips you need to take care of your mane, style it and pamper it so that you are far from bordering on the ridiculous!

Curly hair care: it all starts in the shower

The bathroom and more precisely, the shower (or the bath, depending on your preference and your habits) is the place and the time to take care of your beautiful curls as best as possible, pamper them and give them all the attention you need. they deserve. This is also where you will apply your first aid, use your hair products and basically establish your hair beauty routine.

Knowing how to find the right products for male curly hair

First of all, you must choose products (shampoo, conditioner, mask, oil…) adapted to your type of hair. No more 3-in-1 body products for men (shower gel or soap) that you occasionally apply as a shampoo! All in a hurry because you have more important to do. Finally, choose a real combo of shampoo and conditioner that will perform their function perfectly. The shampoo will remove all impurities from the hair fibers, whether at the roots or the lengths, which will lighten the hair and allow the curls to have more spring. As for the conditioner, it will provide hydration to the treatment by sheathing the fibers very lightly, without weighing them down. As a result, curls that are well formed and full of tone, especially if you are betting on special curl formulas.

The special curly hair shampoo for men

Shampooing is a very important step in taking care of your hair, but remember that it doesn’t have to be everyday. If you shampoo every day, you will stimulate the scalp more than it should and you will end up with oily roots in less time than it takes to say it! The ideal frequency of shampooing (all hair types combined) remains 1 to 2 times a week.

Prefer to use a mild sulfate-free shampoo. Sulfate is an active ingredient of industrial origin which foams shampoo and which aims to eliminate sebum (the fatty substance at the root of the hair). Fairly aggressive for the scalp, it risks drying it out quickly and paradoxically, causing the scalp to produce even more sebum in reaction to protect it from attacks.

Contrary to what you may think, the shampoo only lands at the hairline (it opens the cuticles and washes them). When rinsing, the water falling on the lengths and ends will be more than enough to wash them. Do not rub your scalp at the risk of irritating it. Simply lather the product by gently massaging your scalp for a few minutes with your fingertips. The gentle massage will stimulate the growth of your hair. Then rinse it off with lukewarm or cool water.

Special conditioner for curly hair

Once the shampoo is rinsed out, you will need to apply conditioner to nourish the cuticles of your hair that have been opened previously. The conditioner will not only repair your hair, but also detangle it because we know that curly, curly and frizzy hair types tend to get tangled quickly and how difficult it is to disentangle them without a treatment that can relax the lengths using cationic polymers dedicated to facilitate combing, restore shine to the hair, tighten split ends and soften them …

The conditioner is placed on the lengths and ends so as not to grease your roots that you have just washed. Once the cuticle is open, the conditioner will treat and repair it.

To detangle your hair effectively without breaking or damaging it, it is best to comb it with a coarse-toothed comb from the tips to the roots, once the conditioner is applied to the lengths and ends. The wide tooth comb will allow you to gently detangle your hair without breaking your beautiful natural curls. The more curly your hair is, the more the teeth of the comb will have to be separated so as not to go against your hair type and break your beautiful curls. Once this detangling step is over, rinse and continue to detangle under water and, if possible, using your fingers (spreading them as far as possible) so as not to leave any poorly rinsed product on your lengths and ends. . Your fingers will therefore help you untangle your hair without breaking your curls, but this method will also help you to have a natural effect and curls depending on your hair type (curly, wavy, frizzy or frizzy).

Masks for curly hair

You can also use masks to further repair your curly hair. Choose it moisturizing, repairing, detangling or even nourishing, depending on your hair needs.

According to the directions for use, leave the mask on your hair (this can vary and go from 3 minutes up to 30 minutes of exposure) then rinse it gently with lukewarm water, even cold (if you are brave) , without damaging the hair. The mask will reinforce the repairing, nourishing and detangling action of the conditioner and sublimate your hair.

The method of rinsing curly hair

Remember to rinse your hair under lukewarm water, even cold, for the bravest among you to properly close the hair cuticle, which will further enhance your hair.

Care for curly hair after the shower

If the lengths and ends are passed under a conditioner to nourish them, they can be damaged when dry. We therefore advise you to apply a nourishing or repairing care after washing to sublimate them. Products against split ends and for repairing damaged ends of curly, frizzy and / or frizzy hair tend to sublimate the hair giving it a shiny, shiny and glossy appearance.

Drying curly hair

When it comes to drying curly hair, there is only one watchword: natural drying! use devices that heat as little as possible. Men and women alike, your hair type tends to get damaged and break easily, so don’t add another obstacle to your hair beauty routine and a step that will damage your hair.

To dry your curly hair, first wring it out by hand as much as possible (if you have hair long enough to afford it), taking care not to break the curls that form or put too much strain on the ends. are fragile. Do not rub your hair vigorously with a towel: it will ruin all your previous efforts. To curl them naturally and quickly without using a curler, use the scrunch technique of taking your tips and lengths in your hand and bringing them back to your roots. They are going to have this effect immediately. Then let them air dry to avoid damaging them.

Only use heating devices (hair dryer, straightener, etc.) when you are in a hurry or when you have no choice. It is best for curly hair not to abuse it by heating the ends which will tend to break under the intense heat. If you must use a hair dryer, use the diffuser tip to distribute the heat and not target too long on one area of ​​the scalp or ends.

After drying curly hair

Once your hair is dry, you can apply other hair care such as oil to nourish the ends or sprays to fix your hairstyle. Be careful, however, to keep a light hand so as not to make your hair greasy, especially with the oils.

Another very important tip to take care of your curls in the best possible way: do not brush curly hair when it is dry, which would have the effect of breaking the curls and making them foamy and unsightly, in addition to damaging them! If you want to re-style them, moisten them to work them better and you will see, the result is amazing!

Men’s hairstyles and cuts to adopt

Whether you are a man or a woman, curly and curly hair works the same way, but it is true that the question of hairstyle and cuts to adopt is different for everyone. Long or short hair? Keep its volume or go flatter? Up to you.

Now that we have given you all the basic tips for taking care of your hair, you still have to know what hairstyle and cut to adopt to enhance your curls when you are a man.

Now you know you can style your hair with your fingers to enhance your curls. But this method only works for hair long enough to be able to disentangle it with your fingers. You can therefore leave your hair long or shoulder-length if you wish, but during the spring period, when the weather starts to be nice and warm, you often want to cut your hair to escape the stifling heat.

There are many other short haircuts for men that will highlight your curls just as well and highlight your face.

If you prefer a long hairstyle, you can go for a long hairstyle, mid-length or even a ball, almost afro hairstyle where shoulder-length hair will be placed like a helmet around your face.

Short haircuts for men

You can go through the trimmer, shave on the sides and leave your curls on top, playing with the shaving techniques and the thickness of the hair on the side. A very modern cut that we see everywhere.

You can also play with your front section, leave it longer than the rest of the hair, and make it fall across your forehead.

Try the gradient which consists of leaving the hair curly on top, and going through the shaving box for the sides, shaving shorter and shorter, as you go down towards the ears to sometimes even finish completely clean shaven on the side with drawings or not, according to your wishes: line, wave, cross …

You can choose to shave evenly to have a very short but very modern hairstyle.

If you tire of the volume of your mane and want to switch to something more flat and structured, go for the braids. They are actually very simple and quick to do (when you have long hair).

The best cut to sublimate your curls is with the hair loose, but if you really want to tie your hair up, you can always go for the bun, the ponytail, the boxer braids, or even both braids. classic.

To read also on aufeminin:
– Men’s hairstyle: what are the trends for 2021?
– Men’s hairstyle: how to get 360 waves?
– Undercut: how to adopt and maintain this haircut?

How to get waves 360?

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