Cyclamen • underrated homeopathic

The homeopathic medicine cyclamen is obtained from the European cyclamen and is one of the preferred homeopathic remedies for women.

The effects of cyclamen extend mainly from the central nervous system to the female sexual organs. In addition, this medicine, which is used far too seldom, has proven itself in many other ailments such as eye diseases, nose problems or motion sickness.

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Homeopathy for menopause

What is cyclamen?

Cyclamen europaeum is the cyclamen, which belongs to the genus of the primrose family. The homeopathic medicine Cyclamen is made from the fresh root tuber of the European cyclamen, which is harvested in autumn.

Who can cyclamen be used on?

Many diseases in which cyclamen is used in particular take place in the female sexual organs and the digestive system. Cyclamen should be considered especially when such complaints arise as a result of inner grief and remorse, depression, menstrual disorders, nausea and vomiting.

The pains that respond well to cyclamen are typically sharp in quality. In the area of ​​the shins and collarbones, pain is described as pressing.

Cyclamen is primarily an adult drug and is used far more often in women than men. People who respond particularly well to cyclamen are said to be pale, physically weak, easily irritable and forgetful.

For which complaints is cyclamen used?

Typical areas of application for cyclamen:

  • Pregnancy sickness
  • a headache
  • migraine
  • Menstrual problems
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • dizziness
  • Lack of appetite
  • Indigestion
  • Visual disturbances
  • Hemi-lateral blindness (hemianopsia)
  • hiccup
  • Inflammation of the lining of the stomach (gastritis)
  • Anemia
  • cramps
  • Heel pain

Typical symptoms that indicate cyclamen

According to the homeopathic similarity rule, symptoms are best treated with the remedy that causes the same symptoms in a healthy person. That is why the drug is selected that shows the greatest correspondence between the symptoms and the drug picture.

Genital organs

  • Colic or labor-like pain from the sacrum to the pubic bone
  • Menstruation is outside the norm (too heavy, absent, premature, irregular)
  • menstrual bleeding is often black, lumpy blood and may contain bits of mucus
  • Discharge between periods
  • Tension or painful swelling in the chest
  • Milk production in women who are not pregnant
  • painful bleeding after giving birth
  • Vomiting and severe headaches during pregnancy
  • in men, the glans and foreskin can feel sore after light rubbing
  • stabbing and pressing sensation of the prostate with increased urge to urinate and stool


  • all dishes have a salty taste
  • Hiccups with acid regurgitation
  • Travel sickness and vomiting while traveling. The nausea occurs mainly when driving in the car


  • Joy and irritation alternate
  • Self-blame and feelings of guilt
  • Dreams are often frightening or have a sexual content
  • depressive moods
  • Loss of drive and a tendency to brood

Other symptoms

  • severe pain in the temples and forehead, with dizziness, lightheadedness and nausea
  • Visual disturbances in the form of flickering eyes, double vision and sparks when a migraine begins
  • Freeze
  • Headaches of all kinds
  • Squint, double vision, and hemiplegia
  • frequent urination with copious and watery urine
  • burning sore pain in heels

What is the best way to take cyclamen?

Cyclamen is offered as a single homeopathic remedy in the form of globules, tablets or drops. It is also found in some homeopathic combination preparations that are used to treat various conditions according to the package insert. Homeopathic medicines can safely be taken by very weak people and children as well as by pregnant and breastfeeding women. They complement and support other treatments as well.

If you want to use cyclamen on your own, it is best to use low potencies (D3, D6, D12, C6, C12) for it. You can repeat this every hour if necessary; a dose consists of three globules, three drops or one tablet that you let dissolve under the tongue. Do not exceed a maximum of ten doses per day and only repeat the administration until the symptoms are significantly better or have disappeared.

Higher potencies such as C30, C200 or C1000 are suitable for the treatment of severe, acute illnesses as well as for chronic complaints. Homeopathic medicinal products in such potencies should only be prescribed by trained therapists and the progress of treatment must be monitored.

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