Cystitis Home Remedies: These Really Help! |

Sometimes gentle cystitis home remedies are enough. You can find out which ones really help you and when you should see a doctor here.

Causes of a cystitis

Inflammation of the bladder ("cystitis") is most often caused by an infection. This urinary tract infection is often triggered by bacteria, which enter the bladder from outside via the urethra. Escherichia coli bacteria often cause inflammation. These occur in the natural intestinal flora and get into the urethra through sexual contact or incorrect cleaning after urination. Viruses or fungi are less common causes of the inflammation. During pregnancy, women are exposed to hormone changes, which causes the urinary tract to widen and the pathogens to enter the bladder more easily.

Cystitis: A Woman's Problem?

A good half of all women will suffer from a painful bladder infection at least once in their life. With them, bacteria are particularly often the trigger. The reason: Although bacteria settle in the intestine, they can easily get into the bladder in women. Because the urethra is rather short in women and opens close to the anus.

Cystitis: Symptoms at a Glance

The following symptoms can occur with a cystitis:

  • Pain and burning sensation when urinating
  • Pain in the abdomen
  • Frequent need to urinate
  • Urine may be cloudy and smell unpleasant
  • Sometimes blood in the urine

Forms of cystitis

Be in medicine uncomplicated cystitis and difficult cystitis are distinguished from each other:

  • Uncomplicated cystitis: This is a cystitis in which no risk factors such as a previous illness or a generally weak immune system play a role.
  • Complicated cystitis: A weakened immune defense, for example due to medication, an enlarged prostate or bladder dysfunction, promote this type of cystitis.

Cystitis home remedies for mild discomfort

Mild symptoms of uncomplicated cystitis can be treated well with cystitis home remedies – antibiotics are not always necessary. So that it doesn't even get that far, you should try home remedies and other natural measures at the first signs of cystitis.

Cystitis Home Remedies: What Really Help

The following home remedies can reduce the symptoms of cystitis:

  • Frequent urination: Sounds like a bad idea at first, since peeing is painful with a bladder infection. But the body tries in this way to flush out the pathogens that cause illness. So: go to the toilet often!
  • Drink a lot: Drinking plenty of fluids helps the body to excrete the pathogens. This flushes out the urinary tract and the bacteria can leave the body more easily. If you hold back the urge to go to the toilet, the pathogens can multiply – they can spread to the ureters and renal pelvis and cause severe inflammation. Avoid coffee, lemon juice and alcohol – they only irritate the bladder additionally. Instead, water or unsweetened teas are the right choice for a bladder infection.
  • Herbal teas: Herbal teas contain substances that can counteract inflammation, such as B. Kidney and bladder teas. In them you will find, among other things, bearberry leaves, which have an antibacterial effect. They are not only available in mixtures, but also dried in tea shops or pharmacies. Teas that contain birch leaves have a diuretic effect, just like goldenrod, which is also anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic. Nettle or juniper are also good home remedies for cystitis, alternatively a tea mixture of goldenrod, birch and orthosiphon (cat's beard) is possible. Such mixtures are available in pharmacies, for example.
  • Warmth: A hot water bottle relaxes and helps relieve pain. If you don't have one, make yourself a warm envelope. A normal terry towel that you soak in hot water is sufficient for this. Caution: Do not get too hot as the envelope is placed directly on the skin of the lower abdomen. Put a dry cloth over it and cuddle up in a blanket. Alternatively, you can take a bath or a hip bath, which has the advantage of stimulating blood circulation, which in turn activates the self-healing powers. The main thing is that you keep warm if you have a bladder infection!
  • Horseradish and nasturtiums: Horseradish and nasturtiums are said to have an antibiotic effect that help and prevent mild urinary tract infections. The mustard oils prevent the bacteria from multiplying.

Home remedies for cystitis: cranberry juice – yes or no?

There is no clear answer to this question. There have been some studies since the 1990s on the question of whether cranberry juice or cranberry capsules help with urinary tract infections. Some come to a positive result, while others believe the cranberry has no benefit. One of the largest studies in recent years, the Yale University School of Medicine study, found that cranberry capsules had no significant effect on urinary tract infections. But: Nothing speaks against trying cranberries yourself!

Preventing cystitis

Some women have chronic cystitis, in which case preventive measures are advisable. These tips can help prevent cystitis:

  • Regularly to the toilet: Go to the bathroom as soon as you have to pee and don't suppress the urge to urinate.
  • Proper cleaning: After urinating, clean from front to back, otherwise bacteria from the intestinal tract can more easily get into the urethra.
  • Wash underwear at 60: So that germs do not have an easy game. Tip: Synthetic fabrics are not recommended. It is better to wear cotton underwear, which is more breathable.
  • Warm feet: With hypothermia, the risk of cystitis increases. This applies not only to cold feet, but also to wet swimwear: it is best to put on dry clothes right away.
  • Using the toilet after sex: To ensure that possible pathogens are flushed out again immediately, go to the toilet within ten minutes of intercourse. In addition, the genital area should also be properly cleaned after sex. Tip: If you use condoms, you significantly reduce the risk of cystitis.

Cystitis home remedies: when to see a doctor?

The bladder infection should be over after a few days. If not, go to a doctor's office! There it will be clarified whether an antibiotic is necessary. Note: If a bladder infection is not treated properly, it can develop into a painful kidney infection.

If you have the following symptoms of cystitis, you must absolutely to the doctor:

  • Strong pain
  • Blood in the urine
  • cramps
  • fever

Pregnant women and people with pre-existing conditions such as B. Diabetes should immediately consult a doctor with a bladder infection. Urinary tract infections during pregnancy, which can result from untreated cystitis, are particularly dangerous. It can go up to the kidneys. This can lead to premature labor, which can lead to a premature birth or, in the worst case, a miscarriage.

By the way: Here you can find helpful advice if you have a burning sensation while urinating. We also reveal which hemorrhoid home remedies are effective and the best home remedies for insect bites.

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Hautmann, R. et al .: Urologie, Springer Verlag, 3rd edition 2006

S3 guideline of the German Society for Urology: "Epidemiology, diagnostics, therapy and management of uncomplicated bacterial community-acquired urinary tract infections in adult patients" (status 2010)

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