Daily Deal Oculus Quest: the tip of the day is a successful adaptation at a bargain price of a successful mobile game in VR! (January 23, 2022)

Every day there is a promotion on theOculus StoreQuest and if this does not match the discounts offered during previous big sales, it is still a substantial saving that is offered.

Daily Deal Oculus Quest 2021.09.09 Angry Birds VR Isle of Pigs

Angry Birds VR: Isle of Pigs is in English, it is compatible with the cloud-saving (no loss of progress in case of uninstallation) and it is cross buy, which means that by buying it on theOculus StoreQuest, you can also recover for free its PC version VR to play it via theOculus Link, Air Link Where Virtual Desktop.

  • Angry Birds VR: Isle of Pigs (€11.99 €14.99 -20%) (324.4 MB) (French) (C) (4.6/5) (May 21, 2019) – PEGI 3
    Did you enjoy playing with Angry Birds on your phone? So immerse yourself in this VR version that sublimates the genre. Standing, with your virtual bird arch, you will knock down the constructions of the ugly little pigs.

If you haven’t taken the plunge yet, you can treat yourself to a Oculus Quest 2 at the house of Baker, the Fnac, Darty Where Amazon for €349.99.

Read also: Oculus Quest Store: VR releases of the week for the Quest 2 and Quest 1

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