Daniela Katzenberger: She blocked some of her colleagues' Instagram accounts

Daniela Katzenberger (33) follows 1.8 million people on the social media platform Instagram. However, some of her prominent colleagues can no longer follow what the TV blonde posts on the net. They were blocked by the cat.

As the first "Katzenberger victim", ex "Bachelorette" Gerda Lewis (27) noticed that she can no longer access Katzenberger's profile. In her Instagram story a few days ago, she said: "I always found her programs really cool at the time and then I wanted to go to her profile recently. Suddenly I look – I'm blocked."

In the meantime, ex-jungle queen Evelyn Burdecki (31), influencer Angelina Heger (28) and singer Pietro Lombardi (27, "phenomenal") are also denied access. In the third live show of "Deutschland sucht den Superstar", the winner of the eighth season at the weekend was disappointed: "It was a bit busy for me. It hurt, although I wasn't really interested," he said.

"We don't block anyone for no reason"

Why the wife of Lucas Cordalis (52) blocked her colleagues so radically is so far unclear. Only one thing is certain: There has to be a reason, as Katzenberger's half-sister Jenny Frankhauser (27) confirmed in a question and answer session on Instagram. "We are not blocking anyone for no reason," the former jungle queen answered a follower's question.

A possible reason could be that Daniela Katzenberger is not a fan of her colleagues' sponsored posts. In her Instagram story, she recently announced that she would no longer want to advertise on her profile due to the Corona crisis. "Somehow, right now, it doesn't feel right for me to introduce products to you when I know that you have completely different concerns," she explained. Influencers like Gerda Lewis and Angelina Heger continue to present sponsored posts.