Dark Souls 3: beware, the game allows you to hack your PC

The PC game Dark Souls 3 has a very disturbing RCE vulnerability. Malicious hackers can indeed go through its online part in order to take control of your computer and steal your data. Faced with this flaw, the game developer decided to temporarily close its servers.

Released in 2016, Dark Souls 3 is the culmination of From Software’s saga. If the game is solo, it offers an online dimension to help you in your quest. It is this aspect that poses a problem today. Indeed, an RCE (Remote Code Execution) vulnerability has been spotted via multiplayer.

This means that malicious people can use Dark Souls 3 servers. to infiltrate your PC if you play it. Needless to say, this flaw is extremely dangerous for your data and machine. In addition to Dark Souls 3, Dark Souls 1 and 2 servers may also be affected, as well as those of the future Elden Ring which use the same architecture.

Dark Souls 3 has a very dangerous flaw for your PC

This flaw has been present for a long time, but it has been revealed to the world only a few days ago. During a Twitch live, streamer The__Grim__Sleeper was quietly playing Dark Souls 3 when his game crashed. A computer-generated voice is then heard, criticizing his way of playing. More so, the Power Shell application opens on its own on its PC.

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Fortunately for him, The__Grim__Sleeper was not targeted by a hacker, but by an anonymous developer who wanted highlight this flaw. According to The Verge, he warned developer From Software about the thing but was ignored. He therefore took it into his head to hack streamers in order to show the dangerousness of Dark Souls 3 servers.

If you currently have Dark Souls 3 installed on your PC, don’t worry, though. From Software finally became aware of the flaw and the servers have been temporarily disabled, time to find a solution. The game can therefore still be launched, but it will be necessary to give up online. If you play on console, this version is not affected.

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