Darmanin puts Pécresse in the “same basket” as Le Pen and Zemmour

Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin this Sunday, February 6, associated Valérie Pécresse (LR) with far-right contenders at the Elysée Palace Marine Le Pen and Éric Zemmour, calling them all three of “candidates of the past” to “demagogic proposals”.

Guest of Political Questions on France Inter, associated with France Info and The worldGérald Darmanin judged that “demagogic proposals” in terms of the security of far-right candidates were to be put “in the same basket”like those of the leader of the right Valérie Pécresse who proposed to send “the army in the neighborhoods” difficult.

“Mrs. Pécresse, Mr. Zemmour and Mrs. Le Pen” are “candidates from the past”added the Minister of the Interior, ex-LR. “We understood where the congruent part of the right that were the LRs is now going: towards the far right”continued Gérald Darmanin. “This is what had prompted Ms. Pécresse to leave the LRs who were ‘wauquierising’, she said”he scolded, in reference to the departure in 2019 of Valérie Pécresse from the party, then led by Laurent Wauquiez.

A “heavy” duel

“The Zemmour-Le Pen debate over television channels is becoming clumsy and does not interest many people”, he judged, the day after two of their meetings, respectively in Lille and Reims. He implicated “the polarization towards two terrible children of the French political class, in which Mrs. Pécresse wallows”.

“The Gaullist, liberal, centrist, European right, which is concrete and pragmatic, which has no hatred of foreigners, but which considers that order is needed in our country, naturally supports the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron », not yet declared a candidate – but it’s just like, Editor’s note. – assured the minister.

SEE ALSO – Presidential 2022: “Valérie Pécresse is taken hostage” by Éric Ciotti, says Darmanin

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