Darude, Star Wars: the best Tesla light shows personalized by their drivers

With its latest update, Tesla is making it possible for all models in the range to perform a short sound and light show. The brand goes even further by disseminating online how to create your own personalized light show. So, are you going to be creative?

Until then, only the Tesla Model X could wow the gallery with this kind of sound and light shows. The Model X then waved its lights and doors in rhythm with music played at high volume. Enough to challenge onlookers in the streets of the whole world …

The last Tesla update sent at Christmas gave the whole range the opportunity to also shine with a light show common to all models: Model S (2021), Model 3, Model X (2021) and Model Y. C ‘ is the “S3XY light show”, as Tesla calls it on his Youtube video.

The realization is always well done, and even if the surprise effect is perhaps less than in 2016 (when it appeared on the Model X), it is a gadget that we appreciate. Who knows, maybe it will be a way of nailing the beak to the anti-electric car uncle who will have drunk you through all the parties that ” the automobile was better before “.

It must be said that the front lights which project a “Tesla” written in full, thanks to LED technology, enough to disconcert those who have remained with the old generation automobile.

You can create your personalized show

For us, the best lies above all in the fact that Tesla, in addition to deploying this fun and useful functionality, offers the most skillful and technophiles the possibility of creating their own personalized show (and of sharing it) by making it available to them. the way to create and upload this directly into your Tesla from a simple USB key.

All the stages are listed on the Github that Tesla has published as a link directly under his Youtube video, we can’t be more transparent: https://github.com/teslamotors/light-show

This manipulation remains technical and requires the use of the xLights software, but some amateurs already use this software to make beautiful Christmas lights for their homes. For those, the synchronization of a few leds on a car should not oppose great resistance.

These light shows can last up to 5 minutes, however they are limited to 681 commands. They are therefore often shorter, but more spectacular. Some already seem to have found the inspiration for a rather convincing result. Here are some examples :

source: HVpad

Source: Tom BetGeorge

Youtube, TikTok and Twitter are seeing more and more videos of light shows and personalized light shows. The buzz effect of this new update will probably make us overdose quickly, especially after the excitement of the novelty and the first 50 videos on the subject have passed. But we know all Christmas toys get tired of it eventually, this one shouldn’t be an exception.

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