Days Gone: 9 million sales, but it’s still a business failure

Yesterday, Sony and Sucker Punch Productions proudly announced that Ghost of Tsushima had just surpassed the eight million copies sold on PS4 and PS5, a commercial success. An announcement that cringe a little Jeff Ross, director of Days gone who left Bend Studio in December 2020.

On Twitter, Jeff Ross recalls that when he left the studio, Days gone already had over eight million copies on PlayStation 4, and according to its information, it has won over one million new PC players via Steam Last year. The title has therefore sold at least nine million copies on consoles and computers, but Jeff Ross recalls that “The management of the local studio always made us feel that it was a big disappointment”. So, Days gone, a failure for Sony ?

Well yes. Sure, nine million copies sold is huge, but the title of Bend Studio was quickly sold off on the Playstation store, the fault with the first returns which were not very complimentary because of multiple bugs and other technical problems present at the launch. In terms of pure sales, Days gone does better than Ghost of Tsushima, corn it undoubtedly made much less to the publisher, Sony. John Garvin, another alumnus Bend Studio, had already spoken on the subject of sales made at launch, too low to consider a sequel. In addition, impossible to know the cost of development of the two games, which obviously weighs in the balance.

We already knew it, Days gone 2 is not going to show up anytime soon, if ever, Bend Studio has been working on his next project for a long time, still unknown. Yes Days gone interests you, it is sold € 24.99 on Amazon.

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Writer – Tester

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